Logical Reasoning Breakdown

All Logical Reasoning problems from exams 110–158, organized by question stem.

Test Section Number Type Notes
110 2 1 Flaw
110 2 2 Sufficient Assumption
110 2 3 Flaw
110 2 4 Inference
110 2 5 Explain This
110 2 6 Match the Reasoning
110 2 7 Explain This
110 2 8 Reasoning Structure Response
110 2 9 Flaw
110 2 10 Sufficient Assumption
110 2 11 Flaw
110 2 12 Weaken
110 2 13 Required Assumption
110 2 14 Strengthen
110 2 15 Identify the Conclusion
110 2 16 Required Assumption
110 2 17 Weaken
110 2 18 Identify the Conclusion
110 2 19 Inference
110 2 20 Supporting Principle
110 2 21 Required Assumption
110 2 22 Identify the Role
110 2 23 Inference
110 2 24 Match the Flaw
110 2 25 Weaken
110 3 1 Conform to Principle Identify the principle
110 3 2 Strengthen Except
110 3 3 Required Assumption
110 3 4 Flaw
110 3 5 Required Assumption
110 3 6 Weaken
110 3 7 Identify the Disagreement
110 3 8 Reasoning Structure Response
110 3 9 Required Assumption
110 3 10 Flaw
110 3 11 Basic Assumption
110 3 12 Inference
110 3 13 Inference
110 3 14 Identify the Role
110 3 15 Identify the Disagreement
110 3 16 Supporting Principle
110 3 17 Required Assumption
110 3 18 Weaken
110 3 19 Inference
110 3 20 Weaken
110 3 21 Strengthen
110 3 22 Inference Must be false
110 3 23 Match the Flaw
110 3 24 Strengthen
110 3 25 Match the Reasoning Response
110 3 26 Identify the Role
111 1 1 Identify the Role
111 1 2 Strengthen
111 1 3 Identify the Conclusion
111 1 4 Weaken
111 1 5 Reasoning Structure Response
111 1 6 Flaw Response
111 1 7 Give an Example
111 1 8 Weaken
111 1 9 Identify the Role
111 1 10 Explain This Except
111 1 11 Reasoning Structure
111 1 12 Inference
111 1 13 Weaken
111 1 14 Required Assumption
111 1 15 Strengthen Except
111 1 16 Identify the Conclusion
111 1 17 Flaw
111 1 18 Required Assumption
111 1 19 Inference
111 1 20 Sufficient Assumption
111 1 21 Explain This
111 1 22 Sufficient Assumption
111 1 23 Flaw
111 1 24 Match the Flaw
111 1 25 Explain This
111 1 26 Identify the Disagreement Agreement
111 3 1 Weaken
111 3 2 Flaw
111 3 3 Strengthen
111 3 4 Strengthen
111 3 5 Conform to Principle
111 3 6 Match the Flaw
111 3 7 Reasoning Structure Response
111 3 8 Weaken
111 3 9 Weaken
111 3 10 Identify the Disagreement
111 3 11 Required Assumption
111 3 12 Explain This
111 3 13 Flaw
111 3 14 Match the Reasoning
111 3 15 Basic Assumption
111 3 16 Inference
111 3 17 Flaw
111 3 18 Inference
111 3 19 Inference Except
111 3 20 Inference
111 3 21 Strengthen
111 3 22 Required Assumption
111 3 23 Inference Opinion
111 3 24 Weaken Response
111 3 25 Flaw
111 3 26 Flaw
111 4 1 Inference Except
111 4 2 Identify the Role
111 4 3 Inference
111 4 4 Explain This
111 4 5 Weaken
111 4 6 Match the Flaw
111 4 7 Flaw
111 4 8 Flaw
111 4 9 Identify the Conclusion
111 4 10 Strengthen
111 4 11 Supporting Principle
111 4 12 Explain This
111 4 13 Flaw
111 4 14 Sufficient Assumption
111 4 15 Identify the Role
111 4 16 Required Assumption
111 4 17 Weaken Except
111 4 18 Flaw
111 4 19 Sufficient Assumption
111 4 20 Weaken
111 4 21 Inference
111 4 22 Inference Most false
111 4 23 Match the Reasoning
111 4 24 Flaw
111 4 25 Reasoning Structure Response
111 4 26 Inference
112 1 1 Reasoning Structure Response
112 1 2 Weaken
112 1 3 Required Assumption
112 1 4 Inference
112 1 5 Inference Against
112 1 6 Identify the Conclusion
112 1 7 Reasoning Structure
112 1 8 Weaken
112 1 9 Explain This
112 1 10 Flaw
112 1 11 Inference
112 1 12 Flaw
112 1 13 Explain This
112 1 14 Inference
112 1 15 Supporting Principle
112 1 16 Inference
112 1 17 Give an Example
112 1 18 Sufficient Assumption
112 1 19 Flaw
112 1 20 Required Assumption
112 1 21 Match the Flaw
112 1 22 Sufficient Assumption
112 1 23 Explain This Except
112 1 24 Basic Assumption Useful to know
112 1 25 Weaken
112 1 26 Sufficient Assumption
112 3 1 Explain This
112 3 2 Weaken
112 3 3 Identify the Conclusion
112 3 4 Identify the Disagreement
112 3 5 Weaken
112 3 6 Identify the Role
112 3 7 Strengthen
112 3 8 Reasoning Structure
112 3 9 Identify the Conclusion
112 3 10 Identify the Disagreement Identify the relationship
112 3 11 Strengthen
112 3 12 Sufficient Assumption
112 3 13 Flaw
112 3 14 Required Assumption
112 3 15 Give an Example
112 3 16 Required Assumption
112 3 17 Inference
112 3 18 Required Assumption
112 3 19 Match the Flaw
112 3 20 Supporting Principle
112 3 21 Flaw Response
112 3 22 Required Assumption
112 3 23 Inference Leads to which conclusion
112 3 24 Reasoning Structure
112 3 25 Flaw
112 3 26 Strengthen
112 4 1 Sufficient Assumption
112 4 2 Identify the Conclusion
112 4 3 Identify the Role
112 4 4 Inference
112 4 5 Explain This Except
112 4 6 Flaw
112 4 7 Inference Must be false
112 4 8 Flaw
112 4 9 Match the Reasoning
112 4 10 Inference
112 4 11 Weaken
112 4 12 Strengthen
112 4 13 Identify the Role
112 4 14 Flaw
112 4 15 Strengthen
112 4 16 Reasoning Structure Response
112 4 17 Weaken
112 4 18 Strengthen
112 4 19 Required Assumption
112 4 20 Strengthen
112 4 21 Identify the Disagreement
112 4 22 Inference
112 4 23 Supporting Principle
112 4 24 Weaken
112 4 25 Match the Flaw
113 2 1 Strengthen
113 2 2 Inference
113 2 3 Flaw
113 2 4 Weaken
113 2 5 Sufficient Assumption
113 2 6 Strengthen
113 2 7 Inference
113 2 8 Explain This
113 2 9 Inference
113 2 10 Reasoning Structure Response
113 2 11 Identify the Disagreement
113 2 12 Inference
113 2 13 Reasoning Structure Response
113 2 14 Weaken
113 2 15 Required Assumption
113 2 16 Flaw
113 2 17 Explain This Except
113 2 18 Conform to Principle
113 2 19 Required Assumption
113 2 20 Strengthen Except
113 2 21 Match the Flaw
113 2 22 Supporting Principle
113 2 23 Identify the Disagreement
113 2 24 Supporting Principle
113 2 25 Flaw
113 2 26 Match the Reasoning
113 3 1 Identify the Disagreement
113 3 2 Required Assumption
113 3 3 Weaken
113 3 4 Identify the Conclusion
113 3 5 Strengthen
113 3 6 Weaken
113 3 7 Inference
113 3 8 Inference Must be false
113 3 9 Flaw
113 3 10 Sufficient Assumption
113 3 11 Explain This
113 3 12 Identify the Role
113 3 13 Explain This Except
113 3 14 Required Assumption
113 3 15 Inference Must be false
113 3 16 Weaken
113 3 17 Inference
113 3 18 Flaw
113 3 19 Weaken
113 3 20 Inference
113 3 21 Match the Flaw
113 3 22 Supporting Principle
113 3 23 Match the Reasoning
113 3 24 Supporting Principle
113 4 1 Inference
113 4 2 Weaken
113 4 3 Inference
113 4 4 Match the Flaw
113 4 5 Explain This
113 4 6 Inference
113 4 7 Identify the Disagreement
113 4 8 Inference
113 4 9 Sufficient Assumption
113 4 10 Reasoning Structure
113 4 11 Weaken Response
113 4 12 Flaw
113 4 13 Strengthen Except
113 4 14 Match the Reasoning
113 4 15 Required Assumption
113 4 16 Flaw
113 4 17 Flaw
113 4 18 Weaken
113 4 19 Required Assumption
113 4 20 Sufficient Assumption
113 4 21 Supporting Principle
113 4 22 Flaw
113 4 23 Required Assumption
113 4 24 Identify the Disagreement Identify the relationship
113 4 25 Strengthen
114 1 1 Sufficient Assumption
114 1 2 Identify the Conclusion
114 1 3 Supporting Principle
114 1 4 Strengthen
114 1 5 Identify the Disagreement
114 1 6 Flaw
114 1 7 Give an Example
114 1 8 Flaw
114 1 9 Explain This
114 1 10 Weaken Response
114 1 11 Flaw
114 1 12 Required Assumption
114 1 13 Inference
114 1 14 Required Assumption
114 1 15 Inference
114 1 16 Match the Flaw
114 1 17 Weaken
114 1 18 Identify the Role
114 1 19 Inference
114 1 20 Inference
114 1 21 Inference
114 1 22 Match the Reasoning
114 1 23 Flaw
114 1 24 Required Assumption
114 2 1 Flaw
114 2 2 Explain This
114 2 3 Identify the Disagreement Identify the relationship
114 2 4 Strengthen
114 2 5 Flaw
114 2 6 Inference
114 2 7 Strengthen
114 2 8 Flaw
114 2 9 Strengthen
114 2 10 Inference
114 2 11 Required Assumption
114 2 12 Weaken Except
114 2 13 Required Assumption
114 2 14 Identify the Conclusion
114 2 15 Identify the Disagreement Interpretation
114 2 16 Identify the Role
114 2 17 Basic Assumption
114 2 18 Match the Reasoning
114 2 19 Identify the Disagreement
114 2 20 Reasoning Structure Response
114 2 21 Required Assumption
114 2 22 Inference
114 2 23 Match the Flaw
114 2 24 Weaken
114 2 25 Flaw
114 2 26 Supporting Principle
114 4 1 Inference
114 4 2 Flaw
114 4 3 Identify the Conclusion
114 4 4 Supporting Principle
114 4 5 Strengthen Except
114 4 6 Required Assumption
114 4 7 Give an Example Except
114 4 8 Flaw
114 4 9 Explain This Except
114 4 10 Inference
114 4 11 Identify the Conclusion
114 4 12 Omitted
114 4 13 Weaken
114 4 14 Flaw
114 4 15 Weaken
114 4 16 Sufficient Assumption
114 4 17 Match the Flaw
114 4 18 Identify the Role
114 4 19 Basic Assumption Useful to know
114 4 20 Required Assumption
114 4 21 Flaw
114 4 22 Required Assumption
114 4 23 Give an Example
114 4 24 Inference
114 4 25 Inference Except
114 4 26 Identify the Disagreement
115 2 1 Identify the Conclusion
115 2 2 Flaw
115 2 3 Explain This
115 2 4 Identify the Disagreement Identify the relationship
115 2 5 Explain This
115 2 6 Inference
115 2 7 Inference
115 2 8 Match the Reasoning
115 2 9 Weaken Response
115 2 10 Strengthen
115 2 11 Give an Example
115 2 12 Inference
115 2 13 Identify the Disagreement
115 2 14 Flaw
115 2 15 Strengthen
115 2 16 Identify the Role
115 2 17 Required Assumption
115 2 18 Match the Flaw
115 2 19 Supporting Principle
115 2 20 Flaw
115 2 21 Sufficient Assumption
115 2 22 Identify the Role
115 2 23 Identify the Disagreement
115 2 24 Inference Must be false
115 4 1 Weaken
115 4 2 Identify the Disagreement
115 4 3 Reasoning Structure Response
115 4 4 Required Assumption
115 4 5 Explain This
115 4 6 Inference
115 4 7 Identify the Disagreement
115 4 8 Reasoning Structure Response
115 4 9 Explain This
115 4 10 Inference
115 4 11 Flaw
115 4 12 Explain This
115 4 13 Strengthen Except
115 4 14 Supporting Principle
115 4 15 Flaw Response
115 4 16 Inference
115 4 17 Sufficient Assumption
115 4 18 Strengthen
115 4 19 Required Assumption
115 4 20 Flaw
115 4 21 Flaw
115 4 22 Weaken Except
115 4 23 Flaw
115 4 24 Give an Example
115 4 25 Required Assumption
115 4 26 Match the Flaw
116 2 1 Identify the Disagreement
116 2 2 Identify the Role
116 2 3 Explain This
116 2 4 Inference
116 2 5 Identify the Disagreement Misinterpretation
116 2 6 Weaken
116 2 7 Inference
116 2 8 Strengthen Except
116 2 9 Flaw
116 2 10 Required Assumption
116 2 11 Match the Reasoning
116 2 12 Flaw
116 2 13 Identify the Disagreement
116 2 14 Strengthen
116 2 15 Explain This
116 2 16 Required Assumption
116 2 17 Inference
116 2 18 Sufficient Assumption
116 2 19 Identify the Disagreement Identify the agreement
116 2 20 Flaw
116 2 21 Supporting Principle
116 2 22 Inference
116 2 23 Identify the Role
116 2 24 Match the Flaw
116 2 25 Explain This
116 3 1 Required Assumption
116 3 2 Strengthen Except
116 3 3 Conform to Principle
116 3 4 Flaw
116 3 5 Give an Example
116 3 6 Identify the Disagreement
116 3 7 Strengthen
116 3 8 Weaken
116 3 9 Inference
116 3 10 Strengthen
116 3 11 Supporting Principle
116 3 12 Required Assumption
116 3 13 Explain This
116 3 14 Identify the Conclusion
116 3 15 Explain This Except
116 3 16 Sufficient Assumption
116 3 17 Inference Must be false
116 3 18 Flaw
116 3 19 Weaken
116 3 20 Flaw
116 3 21 Inference
116 3 22 Match the Flaw
116 3 23 Identify the Conclusion
116 3 24 Inference
116 3 25 Match the Reasoning
116 3 26 Conform to Principle
117 2 1 Flaw
117 2 2 Inference
117 2 3 Explain This
117 2 4 Weaken
117 2 5 Required Assumption
117 2 6 Identify the Disagreement
117 2 7 Strengthen
117 2 8 Weaken Except
117 2 9 Required Assumption
117 2 10 Explain This
117 2 11 Inference
117 2 12 Give an Example
117 2 13 Sufficient Assumption
117 2 14 Inference
117 2 15 Strengthen
117 2 16 Identify the Conclusion
117 2 17 Conform to Principle Illustrates
117 2 18 Required Assumption
117 2 19 Identify the Role
117 2 20 Weaken
117 2 21 Flaw
117 2 22 Match the Flaw
117 2 23 Required Assumption
117 2 24 Identify the Role
117 2 25 Flaw
117 3 1 Required Assumption
117 3 2 Explain This
117 3 3 Conform to Principle
117 3 4 Flaw Response
117 3 5 Sufficient Assumption
117 3 6 Flaw
117 3 7 Inference
117 3 8 Reasoning Structure
117 3 9 Inference Opinion
117 3 10 Flaw
117 3 11 Inference
117 3 12 Weaken
117 3 13 Identify the Conclusion
117 3 14 Flaw
117 3 15 Identify the Role
117 3 16 Match the Reasoning
117 3 17 Weaken Except
117 3 18 Inference
117 3 19 Flaw
117 3 20 Strengthen Except
117 3 21 Required Assumption
117 3 22 Match the Flaw
117 3 23 Required Assumption
117 3 24 Inference
117 3 25 Required Assumption
117 4 1 Weaken
117 4 2 Supporting Principle
117 4 3 Inference
117 4 4 Conform to Principle
117 4 5 Weaken
117 4 6 Identify the Role
117 4 7 Required Assumption
117 4 8 Inference
117 4 9 Flaw
117 4 10 Identify the Disagreement
117 4 11 Flaw
117 4 12 Inference
117 4 13 Conform to Principle
117 4 14 Strengthen
117 4 15 Inference
117 4 16 Required Assumption
117 4 17 Strengthen Except
117 4 18 Inference Must be false
117 4 19 Match the Flaw
117 4 20 Flaw
117 4 21 Match the Reasoning
117 4 22 Flaw
117 4 23 Inference
117 4 24 Identify the Role
117 4 25 Explain This
117 4 26 Sufficient Assumption
118 1 1 Identify the Conclusion
118 1 2 Weaken
118 1 3 Required Assumption
118 1 4 Reasoning Structure
118 1 5 Explain This
118 1 6 Identify the Disagreement
118 1 7 Reasoning Structure
118 1 8 Inference
118 1 9 Give an Example
118 1 10 Identify the Disagreement
118 1 11 Match the Flaw
118 1 12 Weaken
118 1 13 Flaw
118 1 14 Strengthen
118 1 15 Flaw
118 1 16 Weaken
118 1 17 Identify the Conclusion
118 1 18 Weaken
118 1 19 Strengthen
118 1 20 Flaw
118 1 21 Sufficient Assumption
118 1 22 Inference
118 1 23 Sufficient Assumption
118 1 24 Flaw
118 1 25 Match the Reasoning
118 1 26 Strengthen
118 3 1 Reasoning Structure Response
118 3 2 Weaken
118 3 3 Give an Example
118 3 4 Sufficient Assumption
118 3 5 Explain This
118 3 6 Flaw
118 3 7 Required Assumption
118 3 8 Supporting Principle
118 3 9 Strengthen
118 3 10 Inference
118 3 11 Strengthen
118 3 12 Identify the Conclusion
118 3 13 Flaw
118 3 14 Inference
118 3 15 Flaw Except
118 3 16 Required Assumption
118 3 17 Explain This
118 3 18 Give an Example
118 3 19 Required Assumption
118 3 20 Identify the Disagreement
118 3 21 Match the Flaw
118 3 22 Omitted
118 3 23 Identify the Role
118 3 24 Inference
118 3 25 Identify the Disagreement Interpretation
118 4 1 Identify the Conclusion
118 4 2 Give an Example
118 4 3 Supporting Principle
118 4 4 Weaken
118 4 5 Explain This
118 4 6 Required Assumption
118 4 7 Strengthen
118 4 8 Identify the Disagreement
118 4 9 Identify the Conclusion
118 4 10 Flaw
118 4 11 Basic Assumption Useful to know Except
118 4 12 Reasoning Structure
118 4 13 Required Assumption
118 4 14 Flaw
118 4 15 Explain This Except
118 4 16 Inference
118 4 17 Flaw
118 4 18 Inference
118 4 19 Flaw
118 4 20 Match the Flaw
118 4 21 Give an Example
118 4 22 Sufficient Assumption
118 4 23 Identify the Role
118 4 24 Flaw
118 4 25 Supporting Principle
119 2 1 Identify the Disagreement
119 2 2 Inference
119 2 3 Conform to Principle
119 2 4 Sufficient Assumption
119 2 5 Supporting Principle
119 2 6 Explain This
119 2 7 Inference
119 2 8 Weaken
119 2 9 Identify the Disagreement
119 2 10 Required Assumption
119 2 11 Flaw
119 2 12 Inference
119 2 13 Required Assumption
119 2 14 Flaw
119 2 15 Give an Example
119 2 16 Strengthen
119 2 17 Reasoning Structure Response
119 2 18 Match the Reasoning
119 2 19 Strengthen
119 2 20 Match the Flaw
119 2 21 Give an Example
119 2 22 Weaken
119 2 23 Sufficient Assumption
119 2 24 Flaw
119 2 25 Weaken
119 3 1 Explain This
119 3 2 Flaw
119 3 3 Basic Assumption Useful to know
119 3 4 Flaw
119 3 5 Identify the Conclusion
119 3 6 Weaken
119 3 7 Flaw
119 3 8 Conform to Principle Illustrates
119 3 9 Inference
119 3 10 Reasoning Structure
119 3 11 Inference
119 3 12 Give an Example
119 3 13 Flaw
119 3 14 Supporting Principle
119 3 15 Required Assumption
119 3 16 Identify the Role
119 3 17 Required Assumption
119 3 18 Identify the Role
119 3 19 Match the Flaw
119 3 20 Required Assumption
119 3 21 Identify the Conclusion
119 3 22 Strengthen
119 3 23 Flaw
119 3 24 Sufficient Assumption
119 3 25 Inference
119 3 26 Basic Assumption
119 4 1 Explain This
119 4 2 Reasoning Structure
119 4 3 Inference
119 4 4 Reasoning Structure Response
119 4 5 Required Assumption
119 4 6 Strengthen
119 4 7 Inference
119 4 8 Sufficient Assumption
119 4 9 Identify the Conclusion
119 4 10 Identify the Disagreement Misinterpretation
119 4 11 Strengthen
119 4 12 Flaw
119 4 13 Strengthen
119 4 14 Flaw
119 4 15 Identify the Disagreement Interpretation
119 4 16 Required Assumption
119 4 17 Weaken
119 4 18 Supporting Principle
119 4 19 Sufficient Assumption
119 4 20 Match the Flaw
119 4 21 Sufficient Assumption
119 4 22 Inference
119 4 23 Match the Reasoning
119 4 24 Inference
119 4 25 Identify the Role
120 1 1 Flaw
120 1 2 Weaken
120 1 3 Supporting Principle
120 1 4 Identify the Disagreement
120 1 5 Give an Example
120 1 6 Explain This
120 1 7 Conform to Principle Against
120 1 8 Flaw
120 1 9 Sufficient Assumption
120 1 10 Reasoning Structure
120 1 11 Strengthen
120 1 12 Sufficient Assumption
120 1 13 Inference
120 1 14 Required Assumption
120 1 15 Match the Reasoning
120 1 16 Inference
120 1 17 Required Assumption
120 1 18 Inference
120 1 19 Weaken
120 1 20 Required Assumption
120 1 21 Match the Flaw
120 1 22 Weaken
120 1 23 Flaw
120 1 24 Weaken Against
120 1 25 Identify the Disagreement Identify the agreement
120 1 26 Strengthen
120 3 1 Inference
120 3 2 Strengthen
120 3 3 Inference
120 3 4 Weaken
120 3 5 Identify the Disagreement
120 3 6 Identify the Conclusion
120 3 7 Weaken Response
120 3 8 Flaw
120 3 9 Identify the Disagreement
120 3 10 Inference
120 3 11 Explain This
120 3 12 Inference
120 3 13 Required Assumption
120 3 14 Weaken
120 3 15 Explain This Except
120 3 16 Flaw
120 3 17 Required Assumption
120 3 18 Give an Example
120 3 19 Flaw
120 3 20 Reasoning Structure
120 3 21 Sufficient Assumption
120 3 22 Give an Example
120 3 23 Flaw
120 3 24 Weaken
120 3 25 Match the Flaw
120 3 26 Supporting Principle
120 4 1 Explain This
120 4 2 Strengthen Except
120 4 3 Inference
120 4 4 Identify the Conclusion
120 4 5 Weaken
120 4 6 Identify the Role
120 4 7 Explain This
120 4 8 Strengthen
120 4 9 Supporting Principle
120 4 10 Flaw
120 4 11 Inference
120 4 12 Flaw
120 4 13 Reasoning Structure
120 4 14 Flaw
120 4 15 Sufficient Assumption
120 4 16 Identify the Disagreement
120 4 17 Match the Flaw
120 4 18 Strengthen
120 4 19 Flaw Except
120 4 20 Required Assumption
120 4 21 Flaw
120 4 22 Required Assumption
120 4 23 Flaw
120 4 24 Strengthen
120 4 25 Match the Reasoning
121 1 1 Weaken
121 1 2 Flaw
121 1 3 Strengthen
121 1 4 Give an Example
121 1 5 Identify the Conclusion
121 1 6 Inference
121 1 7 Strengthen
121 1 8 Identify the Conclusion
121 1 9 Supporting Principle
121 1 10 Strengthen
121 1 11 Conform to Principle Illustrates
121 1 12 Match the Reasoning
121 1 13 Flaw Response
121 1 14 Inference
121 1 15 Required Assumption
121 1 16 Strengthen
121 1 17 Flaw
121 1 18 Supporting Principle
121 1 19 Weaken
121 1 20 Required Assumption
121 1 21 Flaw
121 1 22 Explain This
121 1 23 Match the Flaw
121 1 24 Flaw
121 1 25 Sufficient Assumption
121 1 26 Inference
121 4 1 Identify the Conclusion
121 4 2 Strengthen
121 4 3 Inference
121 4 4 Match the Flaw
121 4 5 Identify the Role
121 4 6 Conform to Principle Illustrates
121 4 7 Explain This
121 4 8 Sufficient Assumption
121 4 9 Weaken
121 4 10 Required Assumption
121 4 11 Flaw
121 4 12 Identify the Conclusion
121 4 13 Flaw
121 4 14 Inference
121 4 15 Flaw
121 4 16 Inference
121 4 17 Flaw
121 4 18 Inference Must be false
121 4 19 Explain This
121 4 20 Weaken
121 4 21 Sufficient Assumption
121 4 22 Match the Reasoning
121 4 23 Weaken Except
121 4 24 Explain This
121 4 25 Flaw
121 4 26 Weaken
122 1 1 Flaw
122 1 2 Explain This
122 1 3 Reasoning Structure Response
122 1 4 Explain This
122 1 5 Identify the Conclusion
122 1 6 Required Assumption
122 1 7 Inference
122 1 8 Explain This
122 1 9 Inference
122 1 10 Required Assumption
122 1 11 Inference
122 1 12 Strengthen
122 1 13 Weaken Response
122 1 14 Give an Example
122 1 15 Match the Reasoning
122 1 16 Weaken
122 1 17 Supporting Principle
122 1 18 Flaw
122 1 19 Conform to Principle
122 1 20 Flaw
122 1 21 Inference
122 1 22 Flaw
122 1 23 Match the Flaw
122 1 24 Required Assumption
122 1 25 Flaw
122 2 1 Identify the Disagreement
122 2 2 Explain This
122 2 3 Give an Example
122 2 4 Strengthen Except
122 2 5 Flaw
122 2 6 Weaken
122 2 7 Sufficient Assumption
122 2 8 Weaken
122 2 9 Inference
122 2 10 Identify the Disagreement
122 2 11 Strengthen Except
122 2 12 Identify the Role
122 2 13 Flaw
122 2 14 Weaken
122 2 15 Supporting Principle
122 2 16 Inference Must be false
122 2 17 Required Assumption
122 2 18 Flaw
122 2 19 Sufficient Assumption
122 2 20 Inference
122 2 21 Inference Must be false
122 2 22 Required Assumption
122 2 23 Flaw
122 2 24 Match the Reasoning
122 2 25 Sufficient Assumption
122 2 26 Match the Flaw
122 4 1 Flaw
122 4 2 Basic Assumption Useful to know
122 4 3 Inference
122 4 4 Strengthen Except
122 4 5 Inference Must be false
122 4 6 Flaw
122 4 7 Identify the Conclusion
122 4 8 Weaken
122 4 9 Conform to Principle
122 4 10 Inference
122 4 11 Explain This
122 4 12 Flaw
122 4 13 Required Assumption
122 4 14 Inference
122 4 15 Reasoning Structure
122 4 16 Required Assumption
122 4 17 Match the Reasoning
122 4 18 Sufficient Assumption
122 4 19 Inference
122 4 20 Required Assumption
122 4 21 Supporting Principle
122 4 22 Sufficient Assumption
122 4 23 Flaw
122 4 24 Match the Flaw
122 4 25 Explain This Except
123 2 1 Identify the Conclusion
123 2 2 Match the Flaw
123 2 3 Inference
123 2 4 Flaw
123 2 5 Weaken
123 2 6 Sufficient Assumption
123 2 7 Give an Example
123 2 8 Inference
123 2 9 Weaken
123 2 10 Identify the Conclusion
123 2 11 Identify the Role
123 2 12 Match the Reasoning
123 2 13 Sufficient Assumption
123 2 14 Weaken
123 2 15 Sufficient Assumption
123 2 16 Identify the Disagreement
123 2 17 Flaw
123 2 18 Inference
123 2 19 Strengthen EXCEPT
123 2 20 Reasoning Structure
123 2 21 Flaw
123 2 22 Inference
123 2 23 Sufficient Assumption
123 2 24 Conform to Principle
123 2 25 Explain This
123 3 1 Give an Example
123 3 2 Explain This EXCEPT
123 3 3 Identify the Disagreement
123 3 4 Flaw
123 3 5 Sufficient Assumption
123 3 6 Conform to Principle Illustratess
123 3 7 Identify the Disagreement
123 3 8 Flaw
123 3 9 Required Assumption
123 3 10 Inference
123 3 11 Required Assumption
123 3 12 Identify the Conclusion
123 3 13 Strengthen
123 3 14 Conform to Principle
123 3 15 Weaken
123 3 16 Inference
123 3 17 Required Assumption
123 3 18 Flaw
123 3 19 Strengthen
123 3 20 Match the Flaw
123 3 21 Weaken
123 3 22 Inference
123 3 23 Flaw
123 3 24 Supporting Principle
123 3 25 Flaw
124 1 1 Strengthen Except
124 1 2 Identify the Disagreement
124 1 3 Weaken
124 1 4 Identify the Conclusion
124 1 5 Conform to Principle Illustrates
124 1 6 Strengthen
124 1 7 Inference
124 1 8 Weaken
124 1 9 Required Assumption
124 1 10 Strengthen
124 1 11 Identify the Role
124 1 12 Identify the Disagreement interpretation
124 1 13 Required Assumption
124 1 14 Identify the Role
124 1 15 Required Assumption
124 1 16 Inference
124 1 17 Give an Example
124 1 18 Flaw
124 1 19 Match the Reasoning
124 1 20 Sufficient Assumption
124 1 21 Match the Flaw
124 1 22 Flaw
124 1 23 Required Assumption
124 1 24 Explain This Except
124 1 25 Flaw
124 2 1 Explain This
124 2 2 Inference Must be false
124 2 3 Inference
124 2 4 Flaw
124 2 5 Explain This Except
124 2 6 Inference
124 2 7 Required Assumption
124 2 8 Match the Flaw
124 2 9 Reasoning Structure Response
124 2 10 Inference Must be false
124 2 11 Flaw
124 2 12 Reasoning Structure Response
124 2 13 Flaw
124 2 14 Supporting Principle
124 2 15 Strengthen Except
124 2 16 Weaken Except
124 2 17 Required Assumption
124 2 18 Identify the Conclusion
124 2 19 Strengthen Except
124 2 20 Flaw
124 2 21 Explain This
124 2 22 Sufficient Assumption
124 2 23 Flaw
124 2 24 Match the Reasoning
124 2 25 Inference
124 2 26 Weaken
124 3 1 Strengthen
124 3 2 Flaw
124 3 3 Identify the Conclusion
124 3 4 Weaken
124 3 5 Identify the Conclusion
124 3 6 Flaw
124 3 7 Inference
124 3 8 Required Assumption
124 3 9 Weaken
124 3 10 Identify the Role
124 3 11 Strengthen
124 3 12 Supporting Principle
124 3 13 Match the Flaw Except
124 3 14 Weaken
124 3 15 Required Assumption
124 3 16 Weaken
124 3 17 Flaw
124 3 18 Conform to Principle
124 3 19 Inference
124 3 20 Required Assumption
124 3 21 Inference
124 3 22 Explain This Except
124 3 23 Match the Reasoning
124 3 24 Reasoning Structure
124 3 25 Strengthen
125 2 1 Flaw
125 2 2 Basic Assumption
125 2 3 Weaken
125 2 4 Explain This
125 2 5 Flaw
125 2 6 Required Assumption
125 2 7 Inference
125 2 8 Conform to Principle Illustrates
125 2 9 Required Assumption
125 2 10 Reasoning Structure Response
125 2 11 Identify the Conclusion
125 2 12 Inference
125 2 13 Sufficient Assumption
125 2 14 Weaken
125 2 15 Flaw
125 2 16 Inference
125 2 17 Identify the Role
125 2 18 Conform to Principle
125 2 19 Flaw
125 2 20 Inference
125 2 21 Match the Flaw
125 2 22 Flaw
125 2 23 Match the Reasoning
125 2 24 Strengthen
125 2 25 Inference
125 2 26 Sufficient Assumption
125 4 1 Strengthen
125 4 2 Reasoning Structure Response
125 4 3 Required Assumption
125 4 4 Flaw
125 4 5 Inference
125 4 6 Explain This
125 4 7 Required Assumption
125 4 8 Match the Flaw
125 4 9 Supporting Principle
125 4 10 Weaken Response
125 4 11 Identify the Conclusion
125 4 12 Inference
125 4 13 Explain This
125 4 14 Flaw
125 4 15 Identify the Role
125 4 16 Flaw
125 4 17 Give an Example
125 4 18 Required Assumption
125 4 19 Flaw
125 4 20 Strengthen
125 4 21 Explain This
125 4 22 Sufficient Assumption
125 4 23 Inference
125 4 24 Required Assumption
125 4 25 Match the Reasoning
126 1 1 Match the Flaw
126 1 2 Required Assumption
126 1 3 Reasoning Structure
126 1 4 Sufficient Assumption
126 1 5 Inference
126 1 6 Supporting Principle
126 1 7 Weaken
126 1 8 Inference
126 1 9 Weaken
126 1 10 Inference
126 1 11 Give an Example
126 1 12 Required Assumption
126 1 13 Explain This
126 1 14 Flaw
126 1 15 Inference
126 1 16 Give an Example
126 1 17 Required Assumption
126 1 18 Identify the Conclusion
126 1 19 Identify the Role
126 1 20 Flaw
126 1 21 Conform to Principle
126 1 22 Weaken
126 1 23 Strengthen
126 1 24 Flaw
126 1 25 Inference Except
126 3 1 Explain This
126 3 2 Flaw
126 3 3 Inference
126 3 4 Weaken Response
126 3 5 Inference
126 3 6 Conform to Principle Illustrates Except
126 3 7 Identify the Role
126 3 8 Required Assumption
126 3 9 Weaken
126 3 10 Sufficient Assumption
126 3 11 Flaw
126 3 12 Inference
126 3 13 Identify the Conclusion
126 3 14 Strengthen
126 3 15 Match the Reasoning
126 3 16 Inference
126 3 17 Supporting Principle
126 3 18 Flaw
126 3 19 Required Assumption
126 3 20 Identify the Conclusion
126 3 21 Sufficient Assumption
126 3 22 Weaken
126 3 23 Match the Flaw
126 3 24 Required Assumption
126 3 25 Flaw
126 4 1 Weaken
126 4 2 Identify the Role
126 4 3 Flaw
126 4 4 Weaken
126 4 5 Explain This
126 4 6 Weaken
126 4 7 Inference
126 4 8 Identify the Disagreement
126 4 9 Give an Example
126 4 10 Strengthen
126 4 11 Inference
126 4 12 Flaw
126 4 13 Identify the Disagreement
126 4 14 Required Assumption
126 4 15 Flaw
126 4 16 Inference
126 4 17 Flaw
126 4 18 Strengthen
126 4 19 Sufficient Assumption
126 4 20 Weaken
126 4 21 Give an Example
126 4 22 Match the Reasoning
126 4 23 Sufficient Assumption
126 4 24 Match the Flaw
126 4 25 Weaken
126 4 26 Flaw
127 1 1 Strengthen
127 1 2 Required Assumption
127 1 3 Identify the Role
127 1 4 Flaw
127 1 5 Explain This
127 1 6 Weaken
127 1 7 Strengthen
127 1 8 Give an Example
127 1 9 Strengthen Least
127 1 10 Identify the Conclusion
127 1 11 Explain This
127 1 12 Flaw
127 1 13 Required Assumption
127 1 14 Flaw
127 1 15 Supporting Principle
127 1 16 Identify the Role
127 1 17 Inference
127 1 18 Identify the Role
127 1 19 Required Assumption
127 1 20 Flaw
127 1 21 Identify the Role
127 1 22 Match the Flaw
127 1 23 Strengthen
127 1 24 Explain This
127 1 25 Inference Must be false
127 1 26 Inference
127 2 1 Flaw
127 2 2 Identify the Disagreement Agreement
127 2 3 Weaken
127 2 4 Basic Assumption
127 2 5 Inference Opinion
127 2 6 Required Assumption
127 2 7 Match the Flaw
127 2 8 Weaken
127 2 9 Identify the Role
127 2 10 Sufficient Assumption
127 2 11 Reasoning Structure Response
127 2 12 Flaw
127 2 13 Explain This
127 2 14 Strengthen
127 2 15 Flaw
127 2 16 Supporting Principle
127 2 17 Identify the Disagreement
127 2 18 Give an Example
127 2 19 Inference
127 2 20 Required Assumption
127 2 21 Identify the Disagreement
127 2 22 Explain This
127 2 23 Inference
127 2 24 Strengthen
127 2 25 Identify the Role
127 3 1 Flaw
127 3 2 Inference
127 3 3 Supporting Principle
127 3 4 Flaw
127 3 5 Identify the Conclusion
127 3 6 Reasoning Structure
127 3 7 Explain This
127 3 8 Strengthen
127 3 9 Required Assumption
127 3 10 Flaw
127 3 11 Inference
127 3 12 Supporting Principle
127 3 13 Strengthen
127 3 14 Match the Flaw
127 3 15 Inference
127 3 16 Sufficient Assumption
127 3 17 Flaw
127 3 18 Required Assumption
127 3 19 Identify the Conclusion
127 3 20 Weaken
127 3 21 Flaw
127 3 22 Inference Must be false
127 3 23 Give an Example
127 3 24 Match the Reasoning
127 3 25 Required Assumption
128 2 1 Strengthen
128 2 2 Inference
128 2 3 Flaw
128 2 4 Explain This
128 2 5 Inference
128 2 6 Conform to Principle Illustrates
128 2 7 Weaken
128 2 8 Identify the Role
128 2 9 Flaw
128 2 10 Required Assumption
128 2 11 Strengthen
128 2 12 Give an Example
128 2 13 Identify the Conclusion
128 2 14 Give an Example
128 2 15 Sufficient Assumption
128 2 16 Identify the Disagreement
128 2 17 Weaken
128 2 18 Match the Flaw
128 2 19 Explain This
128 2 20 Sufficient Assumption
128 2 21 Inference
128 2 22 Flaw
128 2 23 Match the Reasoning
128 2 24 Identify the Disagreement
128 2 25 Flaw
128 3 1 Strengthen
128 3 2 Identify the Conclusion
128 3 3 Match the Reasoning
128 3 4 Identify the Disagreement
128 3 5 Weaken
128 3 6 Flaw
128 3 7 Weaken
128 3 8 Reasoning Structure
128 3 9 Flaw
128 3 10 Identify the Role
128 3 11 Sufficient Assumption
128 3 12 Flaw
128 3 13 Inference
128 3 14 Flaw
128 3 15 Explain This
128 3 16 Identify the Conclusion
128 3 17 Required Assumption
128 3 18 Flaw
128 3 19 Supporting Principle
128 3 20 Required Assumption
128 3 21 Inference
128 3 22 Required Assumption
128 3 23 Match the Flaw
128 3 24 Flaw
128 3 25 Required Assumption
129 1 1 Give an Example
129 1 2 Weaken Response
129 1 3 Flaw
129 1 4 Identify the Conclusion
129 1 5 Explain This Except
129 1 6 Flaw
129 1 7 Sufficient Assumption
129 1 8 Explain This
129 1 9 Inference
129 1 10 Flaw
129 1 11 Identify the Disagreement
129 1 12 Supporting Principle
129 1 13 Strengthen
129 1 14 Required Assumption
129 1 15 Identify the Role
129 1 16 Required Assumption
129 1 17 Match the Flaw
129 1 18 Inference
129 1 19 Identify the Role
129 1 20 Identify the Conclusion
129 1 21 Explain This
129 1 22 Sufficient Assumption
129 1 23 Give an Example
129 1 24 Weaken Except
129 1 25 Conform to Principle Illustrates
129 2 1 Conform to Principle
129 2 2 Inference
129 2 3 Explain This
129 2 4 Flaw
129 2 5 Strengthen
129 2 6 Flaw
129 2 7 Sufficient Assumption
129 2 8 Match the Flaw
129 2 9 Weaken
129 2 10 Conform to Principle Illustrates
129 2 11 Identify the Disagreement
129 2 12 Sufficient Assumption
129 2 13 Identify the Role
129 2 14 Weaken
129 2 15 Flaw
129 2 16 Identify the Role
129 2 17 Weaken
129 2 18 Inference
129 2 19 Match the Reasoning
129 2 20 Weaken
129 2 21 Identify the Role
129 2 22 Strengthen
129 2 23 Inference Against
129 2 24 Required Assumption
129 2 25 Inference
129 2 26 Flaw
129 3 1 Explain This
129 3 2 Flaw
129 3 3 Identify the Conclusion
129 3 4 Explain This
129 3 5 Reasoning Structure Response
129 3 6 Weaken
129 3 7 Explain This
129 3 8 Flaw
129 3 9 Strengthen
129 3 10 Flaw
129 3 11 Weaken
129 3 12 Required Assumption
129 3 13 Inference
129 3 14 Give an Example
129 3 15 Match the Flaw
129 3 16 Conform to Principle
129 3 17 Required Assumption
129 3 18 Flaw
129 3 19 Supporting Principle
129 3 20 Match the Reasoning
129 3 21 Identify the Role
129 3 22 Flaw
129 3 23 Inference
129 3 24 Sufficient Assumption
129 3 25 Inference
130 1 1 Required Assumption
130 1 2 Give an Example
130 1 3 Explain This
130 1 4 Conform to Principle Illustrates
130 1 5 Weaken
130 1 6 Reasoning Structure
130 1 7 Match the Flaw
130 1 8 Explain This Except
130 1 9 Flaw
130 1 10 Inference
130 1 11 Flaw
130 1 12 Sufficient Assumption
130 1 13 Identify the Conclusion
130 1 14 Required Assumption
130 1 15 Inference
130 1 16 Required Assumption
130 1 17 Explain This
130 1 18 Flaw
130 1 19 Required Assumption
130 1 20 Inference
130 1 21 Give an Example
130 1 22 Required Assumption
130 1 23 Conform to Principle
130 1 24 Weaken
130 1 25 Sufficient Assumption
130 1 26 Reasoning Structure
130 3 1 Inference
130 3 2 Flaw
130 3 3 Conform to Principle Illustrates
130 3 4 Flaw
130 3 5 Weaken
130 3 6 Identify the Role
130 3 7 Flaw
130 3 8 Identify the Disagreement
130 3 9 Strengthen
130 3 10 Inference
130 3 11 Required Assumption
130 3 12 Weaken
130 3 13 Sufficient Assumption
130 3 14 Match the Reasoning
130 3 15 Inference
130 3 16 Explain This
130 3 17 Flaw
130 3 18 Supporting Principle
130 3 19 Flaw
130 3 20 Conform to Principle Illustrates
130 3 21 Required Assumption
130 3 22 Flaw
130 3 23 Strengthen
130 3 24 Match the Flaw
130 3 25 Identify the Conclusion
130 4 1 Explain This
130 4 2 Weaken
130 4 3 Identify the Conclusion
130 4 4 Give an Example
130 4 5 Flaw
130 4 6 Inference
130 4 7 Explain This
130 4 8 Flaw
130 4 9 Inference
130 4 10 Weaken
130 4 11 Required Assumption
130 4 12 Reasoning Structure Response
130 4 13 Inference
130 4 14 Flaw
130 4 15 Inference
130 4 16 Conform to Principle Illustrates
130 4 17 Required Assumption
130 4 18 Flaw
130 4 19 Sufficient Assumption
130 4 20 Explain This
130 4 21 Required Assumption
130 4 22 Match the Flaw
130 4 23 Strengthen
130 4 24 Sufficient Assumption
130 4 25 Conform to Principle Illustrates
131 1 1 Identify the Conclusion
131 1 2 Basic Assumption Useful to know
131 1 3 Explain This
131 1 4 Flaw
131 1 5 Match the Reasoning
131 1 6 Flaw
131 1 7 Required Assumption
131 1 8 Weaken
131 1 9 Give an Example
131 1 10 Flaw
131 1 11 Inference
131 1 12 Flaw
131 1 13 Identify the Conclusion
131 1 14 Identify the Role
131 1 15 Flaw
131 1 16 Sufficient Assumption
131 1 17 Give an Example
131 1 18 Flaw
131 1 19 Sufficient Assumption
131 1 20 Match the Flaw
131 1 21 Inference
131 1 22 Explain This
131 1 23 Identify the Disagreement
131 1 24 Strengthen
131 1 25 Weaken
131 2 1 Strengthen
131 2 2 Identify the Disagreement
131 2 3 Strengthen
131 2 4 Flaw
131 2 5 Strengthen
131 2 6 Flaw
131 2 7 Identify the Role
131 2 8 Flaw
131 2 9 Match the Flaw
131 2 10 Identify the Conclusion
131 2 11 Explain This
131 2 12 Inference
131 2 13 Supporting Principle
131 2 14 Required Assumption
131 2 15 Flaw
131 2 16 Match the Reasoning
131 2 17 Sufficient Assumption
131 2 18 Identify the Role
131 2 19 Inference
131 2 20 Flaw
131 2 21 Weaken
131 2 22 Strengthen
131 2 23 Conform to Principle
131 2 24 Inference
131 2 25 Weaken
131 2 26 Sufficient Assumption
131 3 1 Explain This
131 3 2 Weaken
131 3 3 Inference
131 3 4 Explain This
131 3 5 Flaw
131 3 6 Give an Example
131 3 7 Inference
131 3 8 Flaw
131 3 9 Identify the Conclusion
131 3 10 Sufficient Assumption
131 3 11 Strengthen
131 3 12 Required Assumption
131 3 13 Weaken
131 3 14 Reasoning Structure
131 3 15 Match the Flaw
131 3 16 Required Assumption
131 3 17 Explain This Except
131 3 18 Conform to Principle
131 3 19 Inference
131 3 20 Flaw
131 3 21 Inference
131 3 22 Flaw
131 3 23 Reasoning Structure
131 3 24 Flaw
131 3 25 Required Assumption
132 2 1 Conform to Principle Illustrates
132 2 2 Strengthen
132 2 3 Strengthen
132 2 4 Strengthen
132 2 5 Flaw
132 2 6 Inference
132 2 7 Match the Flaw
132 2 8 Flaw
132 2 9 Sufficient Assumption
132 2 10 Identify the Conclusion
132 2 11 Flaw Response
132 2 12 Required Assumption
132 2 13 Give an Example
132 2 14 Reasoning Structure Response
132 2 15 Sufficient Assumption
132 2 16 Strengthen
132 2 17 Sufficient Assumption
132 2 18 Give an Example Except
132 2 19 Inference
132 2 20 Explain This
132 2 21 Inference
132 2 22 Weaken
132 2 23 Supporting Principle
132 2 24 Inference Must be false
132 2 25 Required Assumption
132 2 26 Supporting Principle
132 4 1 Identify the Conclusion
132 4 2 Conform to Principle
132 4 3 Strengthen
132 4 4 Identify the Role
132 4 5 Weaken
132 4 6 Inference
132 4 7 Explain This
132 4 8 Inference
132 4 9 Match the Flaw
132 4 10 Flaw
132 4 11 Inference
132 4 12 Identify the Conclusion
132 4 13 Flaw
132 4 14 Weaken
132 4 15 Supporting Principle
132 4 16 Sufficient Assumption
132 4 17 Explain This Except
132 4 18 Sufficient Assumption
132 4 19 Flaw
132 4 20 Supporting Principle
132 4 21 Reasoning Structure
132 4 22 Strengthen
132 4 23 Required Assumption
132 4 24 Inference
132 4 25 Match the Reasoning
132 4 26 Explain This Except
133 1 1 Inference
133 1 2 Weaken
133 1 3 Flaw
133 1 4 Explain This
133 1 5 Required Assumption
133 1 6 Inference
133 1 7 Weaken Except
133 1 8 Identify the Conclusion
133 1 9 Inference
133 1 10 Sufficient Assumption
133 1 11 Give an Example
133 1 12 Inference
133 1 13 Identify the Conclusion
133 1 14 Identify the Disagreement
133 1 15 Supporting Principle
133 1 16 Strengthen
133 1 17 Reasoning Structure
133 1 18 Strengthen
133 1 19 Required Assumption
133 1 20 Inference
133 1 21 Match the Reasoning
133 1 22 Supporting Principle
133 1 23 Flaw
133 1 24 Match the Flaw
133 1 25 Flaw
133 2 1 Weaken
133 2 2 Required Assumption
133 2 3 Strengthen
133 2 4 Flaw
133 2 5 Conform to Principle Illustrates
133 2 6 Flaw
133 2 7 Conform to Principle Illustrates
133 2 8 Explain This
133 2 9 Flaw
133 2 10 Explain This
133 2 11 Identify the Role
133 2 12 Inference
133 2 13 Supporting Principle
133 2 14 Inference
133 2 15 Required Assumption
133 2 16 Identify the Conclusion
133 2 17 Flaw
133 2 18 Required Assumption
133 2 19 Inference
133 2 20 Sufficient Assumption
133 2 21 Inference
133 2 22 Match the Flaw
133 2 23 Identify the Role
133 2 24 Match the Reasoning
133 2 25 Strengthen
133 3 1 Identify the Role
133 3 2 Flaw
133 3 3 Conform to Principle Illustrates
133 3 4 Identify the Disagreement
133 3 5 Inference
133 3 6 Required Assumption
133 3 7 Inference
133 3 8 Explain This
133 3 9 Weaken
133 3 10 Identify the Conclusion
133 3 11 Required Assumption
133 3 12 Explain This
133 3 13 Inference
133 3 14 Flaw
133 3 15 Required Assumption
133 3 16 Weaken
133 3 17 Sufficient Assumption
133 3 18 Flaw
133 3 19 Reasoning Structure
133 3 20 Match the Reasoning
133 3 21 Strengthen
133 3 22 Sufficient Assumption
133 3 23 Supporting Principle
133 3 24 Sufficient Assumption
133 3 25 Match the Flaw
133 3 26 Explain This
134 1 1 Identify the Conclusion
134 1 2 Inference
134 1 3 Reasoning Structure
134 1 4 Weaken
134 1 5 Flaw
134 1 6 Explain This
134 1 7 Flaw
134 1 8 Weaken
134 1 9 Match the Flaw
134 1 10 Weaken
134 1 11 Sufficient Assumption
134 1 12 Supporting Principle
134 1 13 Weaken
134 1 14 Identify the Role
134 1 15 Required Assumption
134 1 16 Flaw
134 1 17 Strengthen
134 1 18 Inference
134 1 19 Flaw
134 1 20 Inference
134 1 21 Match the Reasoning
134 1 22 Strengthen
134 1 23 Sufficient Assumption
134 1 24 Flaw
134 1 25 Identify the Role
134 2 1 Identify the Conclusion
134 2 2 Flaw
134 2 3 Match the Reasoning
134 2 4 Strengthen
134 2 5 Inference
134 2 6 Flaw
134 2 7 Inference
134 2 8 Supporting Principle
134 2 9 Weaken Response
134 2 10 Required Assumption
134 2 11 Explain This Except
134 2 12 Weaken
134 2 13 Inference
134 2 14 Explain This
134 2 15 Inference
134 2 16 Match the Flaw
134 2 17 Sufficient Assumption
134 2 18 Inference Must be false
134 2 19 Supporting Principle
134 2 20 Sufficient Assumption
134 2 21 Weaken
134 2 22 Give an Example
134 2 23 Flaw
134 2 24 Inference
134 2 25 Required Assumption
134 3 1 Inference
134 3 2 Flaw
134 3 3 Inference
134 3 4 Flaw
134 3 5 Identify the Disagreement
134 3 6 Flaw
134 3 7 Identify the Disagreement
134 3 8 Explain This
134 3 9 Strengthen
134 3 10 Identify the Role
134 3 11 Flaw
134 3 12 Required Assumption
134 3 13 Explain This
134 3 14 Flaw
134 3 15 Weaken
134 3 16 Identify the Role
134 3 17 Strengthen
134 3 18 Give an Example
134 3 19 Required Assumption
134 3 20 Give an Example
134 3 21 Sufficient Assumption
134 3 22 Inference
134 3 23 Match the Flaw
134 3 24 Strengthen
134 3 25 Match the Reasoning
134 3 26 Sufficient Assumption
135 1 1 Strengthen
135 1 2 Identify the Conclusion
135 1 3 Basic Assumption Least useful
135 1 4 Inference
135 1 5 Weaken
135 1 6 Give an Example
135 1 7 Inference
135 1 8 Flaw
135 1 9 Identify the Conclusion
135 1 10 Identify the Role
135 1 11 Match the Flaw
135 1 12 Explain This
135 1 13 Strengthen
135 1 14 Strengthen
135 1 15 Flaw
135 1 16 Sufficient Assumption
135 1 17 Flaw
135 1 18 Required Assumption
135 1 19 Strengthen
135 1 20 Flaw
135 1 21 Required Assumption
135 1 22 Identify the Role
135 1 23 Identify the Disagreement
135 1 24 Supporting Principle
135 1 25 Inference
135 2 1 Conform to Principle
135 2 2 Identify the Conclusion
135 2 3 Strengthen
135 2 4 Flaw
135 2 5 Reasoning Structure
135 2 6 Weaken
135 2 7 Required Assumption
135 2 8 Flaw
135 2 9 Required Assumption
135 2 10 Identify the Disagreement
135 2 11 Conform to Principle
135 2 12 Flaw
135 2 13 Required Assumption
135 2 14 Inference
135 2 15 Sufficient Assumption
135 2 16 Flaw
135 2 17 Identify the Role
135 2 18 Inference
135 2 19 Weaken
135 2 20 Explain This
135 2 21 Flaw
135 2 22 Explain This
135 2 23 Inference
135 2 24 Match the Flaw
135 2 25 Give an Example
135 4 1 Explain This
135 4 2 Required Assumption
135 4 3 Weaken
135 4 4 Identify the Disagreement
135 4 5 Supporting Principle
135 4 6 Inference
135 4 7 Basic Assumption Useful to know
135 4 8 Flaw
135 4 9 Inference
135 4 10 Explain This
135 4 11 Flaw Response
135 4 12 Identify the Role
135 4 13 Required Assumption
135 4 14 Identify the Conclusion
135 4 15 Inference
135 4 16 Reasoning Structure Response
135 4 17 Match the Reasoning
135 4 18 Conform to Principle Illustrates
135 4 19 Weaken Except
135 4 20 Required Assumption
135 4 21 Identify the Role
135 4 22 Strengthen
135 4 23 Conform to Principle Illustrates
135 4 24 Match the Flaw
135 4 25 Identify the Disagreement
135 4 26 Flaw
136 2 1 Flaw
136 2 2 Required Assumption
136 2 3 Strengthen Except
136 2 4 Required Assumption
136 2 5 Weaken
136 2 6 Sufficient Assumption
136 2 7 Supporting Principle
136 2 8 Flaw
136 2 9 Conform to Principle
136 2 10 Required Assumption
136 2 11 Flaw
136 2 12 Supporting Principle
136 2 13 Flaw Response
136 2 14 Inference
136 2 15 Flaw
136 2 16 Match the Reasoning
136 2 17 Strengthen
136 2 18 Identify the Conclusion
136 2 19 Sufficient Assumption
136 2 20 Identify the Disagreement
136 2 21 Flaw
136 2 22 Inference
136 2 23 Explain This
136 2 24 Match the Flaw
136 2 25 Reasoning Structure
136 4 1 Flaw
136 4 2 Supporting Principle
136 4 3 Required Assumption
136 4 4 Weaken
136 4 5 Identify the Conclusion
136 4 6 Weaken Response
136 4 7 Required Assumption
136 4 8 Weaken
136 4 9 Identify the Conclusion
136 4 10 Explain This
136 4 11 Supporting Principle
136 4 12 Strengthen
136 4 13 Match the Reasoning
136 4 14 Give an Example
136 4 15 Explain This
136 4 16 Strengthen
136 4 17 Sufficient Assumption
136 4 18 Explain This
136 4 19 Identify the Disagreement
136 4 20 Sufficient Assumption
136 4 21 Inference
136 4 22 Flaw
136 4 23 Identify the Disagreement
136 4 24 Match the Flaw
136 4 25 Flaw
136 4 26 Identify the Conclusion
137 2 1 Weaken
137 2 2 Explain This
137 2 3 Strengthen
137 2 4 Explain This Except
137 2 5 Inference
137 2 6 Required Assumption
137 2 7 Inference
137 2 8 Supporting Principle
137 2 9 Flaw
137 2 10 Identify the Disagreement
137 2 11 Inference
137 2 12 Identify the Role
137 2 13 Flaw
137 2 14 Required Assumption
137 2 15 Supporting Principle
137 2 16 Identify the Disagreement
137 2 17 Weaken
137 2 18 Supporting Principle
137 2 19 Match the Reasoning
137 2 20 Identify the Role
137 2 21 Flaw
137 2 22 Identify the Role
137 2 23 Flaw
137 2 24 Inference
137 2 25 Strengthen
137 3 1 Explain This
137 3 2 Strengthen
137 3 3 Sufficient Assumption
137 3 4 Weaken
137 3 5 Identify the Role
137 3 6 Match the Reasoning
137 3 7 Identify the Role
137 3 8 Flaw
137 3 9 Supporting Principle
137 3 10 Inference
137 3 11 Required Assumption
137 3 12 Inference
137 3 13 Weaken
137 3 14 Inference
137 3 15 Identify the Conclusion
137 3 16 Flaw
137 3 17 Inference
137 3 18 Give an Example
137 3 19 Flaw
137 3 20 Strengthen
137 3 21 Strengthen
137 3 22 Required Assumption
137 3 23 Match the Flaw
137 3 24 Supporting Principle
137 3 25 Identify the Disagreement
137 4 1 Identify the Conclusion
137 4 2 Required Assumption
137 4 3 Explain This
137 4 4 Strengthen
137 4 5 Inference
137 4 6 Weaken
137 4 7 Supporting Principle
137 4 8 Supporting Principle
137 4 9 Flaw
137 4 10 Weaken
137 4 11 Required Assumption
137 4 12 Reasoning Structure
137 4 13 Sufficient Assumption
137 4 14 Flaw
137 4 15 Inference
137 4 16 Required Assumption
137 4 17 Inference
137 4 18 Required Assumption
137 4 19 Match the Reasoning
137 4 20 Inference
137 4 21 Flaw
137 4 22 Identify the Role
137 4 23 Explain This
137 4 24 Weaken
137 4 25 Match the Flaw
138 2 1 Inference
138 2 2 Required Assumption Useful to know
138 2 3 Explain This
138 2 4 Weaken
138 2 5 Strengthen
138 2 6 Explain This
138 2 7 Flaw
138 2 8 Inference
138 2 9 Match the Reasoning
138 2 10 Inference
138 2 11 Identify the Role
138 2 12 Flaw
138 2 13 Strengthen
138 2 14 Basic Assumption Useful to know
138 2 15 Required Assumption
138 2 16 Supporting Principle
138 2 17 Identify the Conclusion
138 2 18 Inference
138 2 19 Identify the Conclusion
138 2 20 Flaw
138 2 21 Identify the Disagreement
138 2 22 Identify the Role
138 2 23 Sufficient Assumption
138 2 24 Flaw
138 2 25 Match the Flaw
138 2 26 Reasoning Structure Response
138 3 1 Supporting Principle
138 3 2 Inference
138 3 3 Flaw
138 3 4 Inference
138 3 5 Flaw
138 3 6 Explain This
138 3 7 Strengthen
138 3 8 Identify the Conclusion
138 3 9 Weaken
138 3 10 Inference
138 3 11 Identify the Conclusion
138 3 12 Supporting Principle
138 3 13 Inference
138 3 14 Explain This
138 3 15 Sufficient Assumption
138 3 16 Flaw
138 3 17 Strengthen
138 3 18 Required Assumption
138 3 19 Inference
138 3 20 Reasoning Structure
138 3 21 Flaw
138 3 22 Match the Reasoning
138 3 23 Required Assumption
138 3 24 Match the Flaw
138 3 25 Identify the Disagreement
138 4 1 Flaw
138 4 2 Reasoning Structure
138 4 3 Inference
138 4 4 Identify the Role
138 4 5 Explain This
138 4 6 Weaken
138 4 7 Required Assumption
138 4 8 Identify the Conclusion
138 4 9 Explain This
138 4 10 Flaw
138 4 11 Strengthen
138 4 12 Flaw
138 4 13 Weaken
138 4 14 Required Assumption
138 4 15 Flaw
138 4 16 Weaken
138 4 17 Match the Reasoning
138 4 18 Supporting Principle
138 4 19 Omitted
138 4 20 Required Assumption
138 4 21 Match the Flaw
138 4 22 Sufficient Assumption
138 4 23 Supporting Principle
138 4 24 Inference
138 4 25 Reasoning Structure
139 1 1 Explain This
139 1 2 Identify the Disagreement Agreement
139 1 3 Flaw
139 1 4 Required Assumption
139 1 5 Basic Assumption Useful to know
139 1 6 Supporting Principle
139 1 7 Required Assumption
139 1 8 Give an Example
139 1 9 Identify the Conclusion
139 1 10 Inference
139 1 11 Identify the Role
139 1 12 Inference
139 1 13 Strengthen
139 1 14 Match the Flaw
139 1 15 Explain This
139 1 16 Inference
139 1 17 Weaken
139 1 18 Give an Example Inconsistent with principle
139 1 19 Required Assumption
139 1 20 Flaw
139 1 21 Inference
139 1 22 Weaken
139 1 23 Reasoning Structure
139 1 24 Flaw
139 1 25 Sufficient Assumption
139 4 1 Identify the Conclusion
139 4 2 Inference
139 4 3 Flaw
139 4 4 Reasoning Structure
139 4 5 Explain This
139 4 6 Give an Example
139 4 7 Weaken
139 4 8 Required Assumption
139 4 9 Inference
139 4 10 Match the Reasoning
139 4 11 Flaw
139 4 12 Identify the Role
139 4 13 Sufficient Assumption
139 4 14 Match the Flaw
139 4 15 Weaken Response
139 4 16 Flaw
139 4 17 Supporting Principle
139 4 18 Flaw
139 4 19 Weaken
139 4 20 Inference
139 4 21 Sufficient Assumption
139 4 22 Flaw
139 4 23 Strengthen
139 4 24 Identify the Conclusion
139 4 25 Identify the Disagreement Agreement
140 1 1 Sufficient Assumption
140 1 2 Reasoning Structure
140 1 3 Flaw
140 1 4 Inference
140 1 5 Identify the Conclusion
140 1 6 Strengthen
140 1 7 Identify the Conclusion
140 1 8 Inference
140 1 9 Reasoning Structure
140 1 10 Identify the Disagreement
140 1 11 Identify the Role
140 1 12 Strengthen
140 1 13 Weaken
140 1 14 Match the Reasoning
140 1 15 Inference
140 1 16 Required Assumption
140 1 17 Inference
140 1 18 Flaw
140 1 19 Give an Example Against
140 1 20 Explain This
140 1 21 Flaw
140 1 22 Required Assumption
140 1 23 Match the Flaw
140 1 24 Flaw
140 1 25 Give an Example
140 2 1 Supporting Principle
140 2 2 Inference
140 2 3 Flaw
140 2 4 Strengthen
140 2 5 Identify the Disagreement Agreement
140 2 6 Required Assumption
140 2 7 Explain This
140 2 8 Reasoning Structure Response
140 2 9 Flaw
140 2 10 Required Assumption
140 2 11 Flaw
140 2 12 Weaken
140 2 13 Explain This
140 2 14 Inference
140 2 15 Supporting Principle
140 2 16 Identify the Conclusion
140 2 17 Match the Reasoning
140 2 18 Inference
140 2 19 Weaken
140 2 20 Required Assumption
140 2 21 Inference
140 2 22 Sufficient Assumption
140 2 23 Match the Flaw
140 2 24 Identify the Role
140 2 25 Required Assumption
140 2 26 Reasoning Structure
140 3 1 Flaw
140 3 2 Identify the Disagreement
140 3 3 Explain This
140 3 4 Strengthen
140 3 5 Inference
140 3 6 Supporting Principle
140 3 7 Flaw
140 3 8 Strengthen
140 3 9 Supporting Principle
140 3 10 Inference
140 3 11 Sufficient Assumption
140 3 12 Identify the Conclusion
140 3 13 Conform to Principle Illustrates
140 3 14 Sufficient Assumption
140 3 15 Match the Flaw
140 3 16 Strengthen Except
140 3 17 Inference
140 3 18 Flaw
140 3 19 Required Assumption
140 3 20 Flaw
140 3 21 Weaken Except
140 3 22 Strengthen
140 3 23 Inference
140 3 24 Match the Reasoning
140 3 25 Strengthen
140 3 26 Explain This
141 2 1 Required Assumption
141 2 2 Explain This
141 2 3 Flaw
141 2 4 Conform to Principle
141 2 5 Flaw
141 2 6 Supporting Principle
141 2 7 Match the Flaw
141 2 8 Required Assumption
141 2 9 Weaken
141 2 10 Sufficient Assumption
141 2 11 Identify the Conclusion
141 2 12 Sufficient Assumption
141 2 13 Flaw
141 2 14 Reasoning Structure Response
141 2 15 Flaw
141 2 16 Reasoning Structure
141 2 17 Match the Reasoning
141 2 18 Flaw
141 2 19 Weaken
141 2 20 Required Assumption
141 2 21 Inference
141 2 22 Strengthen
141 2 23 Inference
141 2 24 Explain This
141 2 25 Inference
141 4 1 Weaken
141 4 2 Supporting Principle
141 4 3 Flaw
141 4 4 Reasoning Structure
141 4 5 Identify the Conclusion
141 4 6 Basic Assumption Useful to know
141 4 7 Conform to Principle
141 4 8 Inference
141 4 9 Identify the Role
141 4 10 Flaw
141 4 11 Identify the Conclusion
141 4 12 Inference
141 4 13 Required Assumption
141 4 14 Inference
141 4 15 Explain This
141 4 16 Inference
141 4 17 Weaken
141 4 18 Match the Flaw
141 4 19 Required Assumption
141 4 20 Strengthen
141 4 21 Match the Reasoning
141 4 22 Explain This
141 4 23 Give an Example
141 4 24 Sufficient Assumption
141 4 25 Flaw
141 4 26 Required Assumption
142 1 1 Inference
142 1 2 Strengthen
142 1 3 Conform to Principle
142 1 4 Strengthen
142 1 5 Flaw
142 1 6 Weaken
142 1 7 Conform to Principle
142 1 8 Required Assumption
142 1 9 Explain This
142 1 10 Strengthen
142 1 11 Inference
142 1 12 Sufficient Assumption
142 1 13 Identify the Conclusion
142 1 14 Identify the Role
142 1 15 Explain This
142 1 16 Flaw
142 1 17 Strengthen
142 1 18 Flaw
142 1 19 Match the Reasoning
142 1 20 Sufficient Assumption
142 1 21 Basic Assumption Useful to know
142 1 22 Inference
142 1 23 Weaken
142 1 24 Inference
142 1 25 Match the Flaw
142 2 1 Flaw
142 2 2 Give an Example
142 2 3 Inference
142 2 4 Reasoning Structure
142 2 5 Supporting Principle
142 2 6 Strengthen
142 2 7 Identify the Disagreement
142 2 8 Flaw
142 2 9 Identify the Conclusion
142 2 10 Inference
142 2 11 Weaken
142 2 12 Explain This
142 2 13 Sufficient Assumption
142 2 14 Weaken
142 2 15 Inference
142 2 16 Required Assumption
142 2 17 Reasoning Structure
142 2 18 Flaw
142 2 19 Explain This Except
142 2 20 Weaken
142 2 21 Supporting Principle
142 2 22 Strengthen Except
142 2 23 Weaken
142 2 24 Sufficient Assumption
142 2 25 Explain This
142 4 1 Reasoning Structure Response
142 4 2 Identify the Conclusion
142 4 3 Strengthen
142 4 4 Required Assumption
142 4 5 Supporting Principle
142 4 6 Required Assumption
142 4 7 Inference
142 4 8 Flaw
142 4 9 Explain This
142 4 10 Basic Assumption Useful to know
142 4 11 Inference
142 4 12 Explain This
142 4 13 Inference
142 4 14 Reasoning Structure
142 4 15 Flaw
142 4 16 Sufficient Assumption
142 4 17 Reasoning Structure
142 4 18 Flaw
142 4 19 Match the Reasoning
142 4 20 Flaw
142 4 21 Supporting Principle Against
142 4 22 Flaw
142 4 23 Inference
142 4 24 Weaken
142 4 25 Match the Flaw
142 4 26 Strengthen
143 1 1 Required Assumption
143 1 2 Supporting Principle
143 1 3 Required Assumption
143 1 4 Reasoning Structure
143 1 5 Weaken
143 1 6 Explain This
143 1 7 Flaw
143 1 8 Identify the Conclusion
143 1 9 Strengthen
143 1 10 Supporting Principle
143 1 11 Weaken
143 1 12 Flaw
143 1 13 Inference
143 1 14 Identify the Role
143 1 15 Strengthen
143 1 16 Identify the Role
143 1 17 Inference
143 1 18 Flaw
143 1 19 Explain This
143 1 20 Inference
143 1 21 Strengthen
143 1 22 Match the Flaw
143 1 23 Sufficient Assumption
143 1 24 Flaw
143 1 25 Match the Reasoning
143 3 1 Inference
143 3 2 Required Assumption
143 3 3 Supporting Principle
143 3 4 Inference
143 3 5 Explain This
143 3 6 Strengthen
143 3 7 Flaw
143 3 8 Identify the Conclusion
143 3 9 Match the Reasoning
143 3 10 Flaw
143 3 11 Reasoning Structure
143 3 12 Strengthen
143 3 13 Weaken
143 3 14 Match the Flaw
143 3 15 Sufficient Assumption
143 3 16 Flaw
143 3 17 Required Assumption
143 3 18 Flaw
143 3 19 Required Assumption
143 3 20 Identify the Role
143 3 21 Strengthen
143 3 22 Weaken Except
143 3 23 Required Assumption
143 3 24 Inference
143 3 25 Required Assumption
143 4 1 Conform to Principle
143 4 2 Basic Assumption Useful to know
143 4 3 Inference Except
143 4 4 Strengthen
143 4 5 Inference
143 4 6 Identify the Conclusion
143 4 7 Inference
143 4 8 Weaken
143 4 9 Match the Reasoning
143 4 10 Inference
143 4 11 Flaw
143 4 12 Explain This
143 4 13 Sufficient Assumption
143 4 14 Explain This
143 4 15 Flaw
143 4 16 Identify the Conclusion
143 4 17 Identify the Role
143 4 18 Identify the Disagreement
143 4 19 Strengthen
143 4 20 Required Assumption
143 4 21 Weaken
143 4 22 Identify the Role
143 4 23 Supporting Principle
143 4 24 Flaw
143 4 25 Sufficient Assumption
143 4 26 Match the Flaw
144 2 1 Flaw
144 2 2 Inference
144 2 3 Identify the Disagreement
144 2 4 Flaw
144 2 5 Required Assumption
144 2 6 Supporting Principle
144 2 7 Explain This
144 2 8 Reasoning Structure Response
144 2 9 Weaken
144 2 10 Sufficient Assumption
144 2 11 Explain This
144 2 12 Weaken
144 2 13 Inference
144 2 14 Strengthen
144 2 15 Inference
144 2 16 Flaw
144 2 17 Inference
144 2 18 Required Assumption
144 2 19 Flaw
144 2 20 Explain This
144 2 21 Match the Flaw
144 2 22 Sufficient Assumption
144 2 23 Supporting Principle
144 2 24 Required Assumption
144 2 25 Strengthen
144 2 26 Give an Example
144 3 1 Inference
144 3 2 Flaw
144 3 3 Strengthen
144 3 4 Identify the Disagreement
144 3 5 Explain This
144 3 6 Give an Example
144 3 7 Sufficient Assumption
144 3 8 Inference
144 3 9 Flaw
144 3 10 Match the Flaw
144 3 11 Basic Assumption Least useful
144 3 12 Explain This
144 3 13 Required Assumption
144 3 14 Conform to Principle
144 3 15 Flaw
144 3 16 Weaken
144 3 17 Identify the Role
144 3 18 Identify the Conclusion
144 3 19 Match the Reasoning
144 3 20 Flaw
144 3 21 Required Assumption
144 3 22 Inference
144 3 23 Supporting Principle
144 3 24 Inference
144 3 25 Strengthen
144 4 1 Sufficient Assumption
144 4 2 Conform to Principle
144 4 3 Strengthen
144 4 4 Identify the Disagreement
144 4 5 Flaw
144 4 6 Match the Flaw
144 4 7 Identify the Role
144 4 8 Strengthen
144 4 9 Conform to Principle Illustrates
144 4 10 Identify the Disagreement
144 4 11 Give an Example
144 4 12 Required Assumption
144 4 13 Flaw
144 4 14 Sufficient Assumption
144 4 15 Flaw
144 4 16 Required Assumption
144 4 17 Inference
144 4 18 Required Assumption
144 4 19 Inference
144 4 20 Required Assumption
144 4 21 Weaken
144 4 22 Match the Reasoning
144 4 23 Weaken
144 4 24 Required Assumption
144 4 25 Explain This
145 2 1 Strengthen
145 2 2 Strengthen
145 2 3 Required Assumption
145 2 4 Weaken
145 2 5 Match the Flaw
145 2 6 Required Assumption
145 2 7 Strengthen
145 2 8 Supporting Principle
145 2 9 Sufficient Assumption
145 2 10 Basic Assumption Useful to know
145 2 11 Identify the Conclusion
145 2 12 Give an Example
145 2 13 Inference
145 2 14 Flaw
145 2 15 Sufficient Assumption
145 2 16 Supporting Principle
145 2 17 Reasoning Structure
145 2 18 Flaw
145 2 19 Explain This
145 2 20 Identify the Role
145 2 21 Strengthen
145 2 22 Flaw
145 2 23 Inference
145 2 24 Required Assumption
145 2 25 Inference Must be false
145 4 1 Supporting Principle
145 4 2 Identify the Disagreement
145 4 3 Explain This
145 4 4 Strengthen
145 4 5 Strengthen
145 4 6 Flaw
145 4 7 Identify the Role
145 4 8 Identify the Conclusion
145 4 9 Flaw
145 4 10 Give an Example Against
145 4 11 Weaken
145 4 12 Flaw
145 4 13 Inference
145 4 14 Identify the Role
145 4 15 Inference
145 4 16 Identify the Role
145 4 17 Strengthen
145 4 18 Inference
145 4 19 Weaken
145 4 20 Sufficient Assumption
145 4 21 Explain This Except
145 4 22 Identify the Role
145 4 23 Match the Reasoning
145 4 24 Sufficient Assumption
145 4 25 Match the Flaw
145 4 26 Required Assumption
146 1 1 Supporting Principle
146 1 2 Required Assumption
146 1 3 Reasoning Structure Response
146 1 4 Identify the Disagreement
146 1 5 Reasoning Structure
146 1 6 Identify the Disagreement
146 1 7 Flaw
146 1 8 Inference
146 1 9 Flaw
146 1 10 Weaken
146 1 11 Inference
146 1 12 Strengthen
146 1 13 Inference
146 1 14 Required Assumption
146 1 15 Conform to Principle
146 1 16 Strengthen
146 1 17 Explain This
146 1 18 Supporting Principle
146 1 19 Required Assumption
146 1 20 Identify the Disagreement
146 1 21 Match the Flaw
146 1 22 Flaw
146 1 23 Match the Reasoning
146 1 24 Required Assumption
146 1 25 Weaken
146 2 1 Explain This
146 2 2 Inference
146 2 3 Sufficient Assumption
146 2 4 Weaken
146 2 5 Required Assumption
146 2 6 Supporting Principle
146 2 7 Inference
146 2 8 Flaw
146 2 9 Sufficient Assumption
146 2 10 Give an Example
146 2 11 Required Assumption
146 2 12 Explain This
146 2 13 Strengthen
146 2 14 Identify the Conclusion
146 2 15 Inference
146 2 16 Basic Assumption Useful to know
146 2 17 Inference
146 2 18 Identify the Role
146 2 19 Inference
146 2 20 Flaw
146 2 21 Match the Reasoning
146 2 22 Weaken
146 2 23 Required Assumption
146 2 24 Match the Flaw
146 2 25 Flaw
146 2 26 Identify the Disagreement Agreement
146 3 1 Flaw
146 3 2 Strengthen
146 3 3 Inference
146 3 4 Identify the Role
146 3 5 Flaw
146 3 6 Supporting Principle
146 3 7 Inference
146 3 8 Basic Assumption Useful to know
146 3 9 Explain This
146 3 10 Sufficient Assumption
146 3 11 Conform to Principle Against
146 3 12 Required Assumption
146 3 13 Match the Reasoning
146 3 14 Identify the Role
146 3 15 Flaw
146 3 16 Explain This
146 3 17 Identify the Role
146 3 18 Identify the Conclusion
146 3 19 Identify the Role
146 3 20 Sufficient Assumption
146 3 21 Strengthen
146 3 22 Inference Must be false
146 3 23 Basic Assumption Useful to know
146 3 24 Inference
146 3 25 Match the Flaw
146 3 26 Weaken
147 1 1 Explain This
147 1 2 Flaw
147 1 3 Explain This
147 1 4 Required Assumption
147 1 5 Explain This
147 1 6 Flaw
147 1 7 Required Assumption
147 1 8 Inference
147 1 9 Identify the Conclusion
147 1 10 Strengthen
147 1 11 Identify the Disagreement
147 1 12 Strengthen
147 1 13 Flaw
147 1 14 Supporting Principle
147 1 15 Flaw
147 1 16 Give an Example
147 1 17 Basic Assumption Useful to know
147 1 18 Required Assumption
147 1 19 Supporting Principle
147 1 20 Inference Must be false
147 1 21 Weaken
147 1 22 Identify the Role
147 1 23 Strengthen
147 1 24 Required Assumption
147 1 25 Inference
147 1 26 Match the Flaw
147 4 1 Explain This
147 4 2 Required Assumption
147 4 3 Explain This
147 4 4 Sufficient Assumption
147 4 5 Identify the Disagreement Interpretation
147 4 6 Required Assumption
147 4 7 Supporting Principle
147 4 8 Required Assumption
147 4 9 Flaw
147 4 10 Sufficient Assumption
147 4 11 Identify the Conclusion
147 4 12 Reasoning Structure Response
147 4 13 Give an Example
147 4 14 Strengthen
147 4 15 Supporting Principle
147 4 16 Match the Reasoning
147 4 17 Identify the Conclusion
147 4 18 Flaw
147 4 19 Weaken
147 4 20 Identify the Disagreement
147 4 21 Required Assumption
147 4 22 Strengthen
147 4 23 Inference
147 4 24 Identify the Role
147 4 25 Inference
148 1 1 Explain This
148 1 2 Flaw
148 1 3 Identify the Conclusion
148 1 4 Supporting Principle
148 1 5 Required Assumption
148 1 6 Identify the Conclusion
148 1 7 Identify the Disagreement
148 1 8 Explain This
148 1 9 Sufficient Assumption
148 1 10 Inference Must be false
148 1 11 Strengthen
148 1 12 Explain This
148 1 13 Flaw
148 1 14 Match the Reasoning
148 1 15 Identify the Disagreement
148 1 16 Flaw
148 1 17 Required Assumption
148 1 18 Identify the Disagreement Agreement
148 1 19 Weaken
148 1 20 Reasoning Structure Response
148 1 21 Give an Example
148 1 22 Inference
148 1 23 Strengthen
148 1 24 Match the Flaw
148 1 25 Required Assumption
148 3 1 Supporting Principle
148 3 2 Weaken
148 3 3 Strengthen
148 3 4 Identify the Conclusion
148 3 5 Flaw
148 3 6 Supporting Principle
148 3 7 Strengthen
148 3 8 Sufficient Assumption
148 3 9 Explain This
148 3 10 Weaken
148 3 11 Explain This
148 3 12 Required Assumption
148 3 13 Identify the Role
148 3 14 Flaw
148 3 15 Required Assumption
148 3 16 Flaw
148 3 17 Inference
148 3 18 Flaw
148 3 19 Identify the Disagreement
148 3 20 Flaw
148 3 21 Required Assumption
148 3 22 Match the Flaw
148 3 23 Strengthen
148 3 24 Inference
148 3 25 Strengthen
148 3 26 Match the Reasoning
148 4 1 Flaw
148 4 2 Identify the Disagreement
148 4 3 Explain This
148 4 4 Strengthen
148 4 5 Sufficient Assumption
148 4 6 Conform to Principle
148 4 7 Strengthen
148 4 8 Supporting Principle
148 4 9 Identify the Conclusion
148 4 10 Strengthen
148 4 11 Flaw
148 4 12 Inference
148 4 13 Explain This
148 4 14 Sufficient Assumption
148 4 15 Inference
148 4 16 Flaw
148 4 17 Inference
148 4 18 Required Assumption
148 4 19 Match the Reasoning
148 4 20 Sufficient Assumption
148 4 21 Inference
148 4 22 Basic Assumption Useful to know
148 4 23 Match the Flaw
148 4 24 Give an Example
148 4 25 Weaken
148 4 26 Flaw
149 1 1 Weaken
149 1 2 Reasoning Structure Response
149 1 3 Identify the Disagreement
149 1 4 Flaw
149 1 5 Strengthen
149 1 6 Match the Flaw
149 1 7 Identify the Disagreement
149 1 8 Reasoning Structure Response
149 1 9 Supporting Principle
149 1 10 Explain This
149 1 11 Inference
149 1 12 Flaw
149 1 13 Inference
149 1 14 Required Assumption
149 1 15 Inference
149 1 16 Flaw
149 1 17 Required Assumption
149 1 18 Inference
149 1 19 Explain This
149 1 20 Supporting Principle
149 1 21 Required Assumption
149 1 22 Flaw
149 1 23 Strengthen
149 1 24 Inference
149 1 25 Match the Reasoning
149 3 1 Weaken
149 3 2 Flaw
149 3 3 Required Assumption
149 3 4 Flaw
149 3 5 Strengthen
149 3 6 Identify the Role
149 3 7 Identify the Disagreement
149 3 8 Strengthen
149 3 9 Inference
149 3 10 Inference
149 3 11 Identify the Disagreement
149 3 12 Inference Must be false
149 3 13 Sufficient Assumption
149 3 14 Inference
149 3 15 Flaw
149 3 16 Required Assumption
149 3 17 Conform to Principle
149 3 18 Required Assumption
149 3 19 Supporting Principle
149 3 20 Identify the Disagreement
149 3 21 Inference
149 3 22 Explain This
149 3 23 Match the Reasoning
149 3 24 Strengthen
149 3 25 Strengthen
149 3 26 Match the Flaw
149 4 1 Explain This
149 4 2 Weaken
149 4 3 Identify the Conclusion
149 4 4 Required Assumption
149 4 5 Explain This
149 4 6 Strengthen
149 4 7 Flaw
149 4 8 Strengthen
149 4 9 Identify the Conclusion
149 4 10 Weaken
149 4 11 Flaw
149 4 12 Strengthen
149 4 13 Supporting Principle
149 4 14 Flaw
149 4 15 Identify the Role
149 4 16 Inference
149 4 17 Supporting Principle Weakens
149 4 18 Required Assumption
149 4 19 Conform to Principle
149 4 20 Inference
149 4 21 Supporting Principle
149 4 22 Flaw
149 4 23 Match the Reasoning
149 4 24 Inference
149 4 25 Match the Flaw
150 2 1 Flaw
150 2 2 Required Assumption
150 2 3 Identify the Disagreement Agreement
150 2 4 Flaw
150 2 5 Supporting Principle
150 2 6 Inference
150 2 7 Strengthen
150 2 8 Identify the Role
150 2 9 Weaken
150 2 10 Inference
150 2 11 Weaken
150 2 12 Required Assumption
150 2 13 Strengthen Except
150 2 14 Sufficient Assumption
150 2 15 Identify the Conclusion
150 2 16 Supporting Principle
150 2 17 Flaw
150 2 18 Inference
150 2 19 Match the Flaw
150 2 20 Inference
150 2 21 Required Assumption
150 2 22 Match the Reasoning
150 2 23 Identify the Role
150 2 24 Inference
150 2 25 Explain This
150 3 1 Inference
150 3 2 Explain This
150 3 3 Supporting Principle
150 3 4 Weaken
150 3 5 Flaw
150 3 6 Strengthen
150 3 7 Required Assumption
150 3 8 Match the Flaw
150 3 9 Flaw
150 3 10 Explain This
150 3 11 Identify the Conclusion
150 3 12 Sufficient Assumption
150 3 13 Identify the Disagreement
150 3 14 Supporting Principle
150 3 15 Identify the Disagreement
150 3 16 Flaw
150 3 17 Explain This
150 3 18 Required Assumption
150 3 19 Weaken
150 3 20 Identify the Disagreement
150 3 21 Basic Assumption Answer to question
150 3 22 Flaw
150 3 23 Match the Reasoning
150 3 24 Flaw
150 3 25 Supporting Principle
151 2 1 Flaw
151 2 2 Supporting Principle
151 2 3 Flaw
151 2 4 Conform to Principle
151 2 5 Required Assumption
151 2 6 Reasoning Structure Response
151 2 7 Strengthen
151 2 8 Identify the Conclusion
151 2 9 Weaken
151 2 10 Identify the Conclusion
151 2 11 Explain This
151 2 12 Weaken
151 2 13 Explain This
151 2 14 Strengthen
151 2 15 Flaw
151 2 16 Weaken
151 2 17 Inference
151 2 18 Strengthen
151 2 19 Match the Reasoning
151 2 20 Inference
151 2 21 Sufficient Assumption
151 2 22 Inference
151 2 23 Match the Flaw
151 2 24 Strengthen
151 2 25 Identify the Role
151 2 26 Strengthen
151 3 1 Inference
151 3 2 Basic Assumption Answer to question
151 3 3 Identify the Disagreement
151 3 4 Sufficient Assumption
151 3 5 Inference
151 3 6 Supporting Principle
151 3 7 Flaw
151 3 8 Explain This
151 3 9 Flaw
151 3 10 Supporting Principle
151 3 11 Match the Flaw
151 3 12 Sufficient Assumption
151 3 13 Flaw
151 3 14 Inference
151 3 15 Reasoning Structure
151 3 16 Inference
151 3 17 Required Assumption
151 3 18 Flaw
151 3 19 Required Assumption
151 3 20 Weaken
151 3 21 Required Assumption
151 3 22 Weaken
151 3 23 Explain This
151 3 24 Flaw
151 3 25 Match the Reasoning
151 4 1 Identify the Disagreement
151 4 2 Explain This
151 4 3 Reasoning Structure
151 4 4 Required Assumption
151 4 5 Inference
151 4 6 Explain This
151 4 7 Flaw
151 4 8 Identify the Conclusion
151 4 9 Flaw
151 4 10 Inference
151 4 11 Match the Flaw
151 4 12 Strengthen
151 4 13 Flaw
151 4 14 Inference
151 4 15 Flaw
151 4 16 Weaken
151 4 17 Identify the Role
151 4 18 Required Assumption
151 4 19 Inference
151 4 20 Sufficient Assumption
151 4 21 Reasoning Structure
151 4 22 Weaken
151 4 23 Flaw
151 4 24 Inference
151 4 25 Match the Reasoning
152 1 1 Strengthen
152 1 2 Identify the Conclusion
152 1 3 Weaken
152 1 4 Identify the Conclusion
152 1 5 Required Assumption
152 1 6 Explain This EXCEPT
152 1 7 Sufficient Assumption
152 1 8 Flaw
152 1 9 Supporting Principle
152 1 10 Inference
152 1 11 Supporting Principle
152 1 12 Strengthen
152 1 13 Explain This
152 1 14 Weaken
152 1 15 Flaw
152 1 16 Required Assumption
152 1 17 Identify the Disagreement Agreement
152 1 18 Explain This
152 1 19 Flaw
152 1 20 Strengthen
152 1 21 Flaw
152 1 22 Inference
152 1 23 Match the Reasoning
152 1 24 Reasoning Structure
152 1 25 Match the Flaw
152 2 1 Flaw
152 2 2 Identify the Disagreement
152 2 3 Basic Assumption
152 2 4 Supporting Principle
152 2 5 Weaken EXCEPT
152 2 6 Inference
152 2 7 Required Assumption
152 2 8 Explain This
152 2 9 Strengthen
152 2 10 Identify the Conclusion
152 2 11 Flaw
152 2 12 Required Assumption
152 2 13 Explain This
152 2 14 Conform to Principle
152 2 15 Weaken
152 2 16 Match the Flaw
152 2 17 Explain This
152 2 18 Flaw
152 2 19 Match the Reasoning
152 2 20 Reasoning Structure Response
152 2 21 Give an Example
152 2 22 Flaw
152 2 23 Required Assumption
152 2 24 Inference Must be false
152 2 25 Required Assumption
152 4 1 Identify the Conclusion
152 4 2 Identify the Disagreement
152 4 3 Sufficient Assumption
152 4 4 Reasoning Structure Response
152 4 5 Match the Reasoning
152 4 6 Identify the Role
152 4 7 Strengthen EXCEPT
152 4 8 Supporting Principle Against
152 4 9 Flaw
152 4 10 Required Assumption
152 4 11 Flaw
152 4 12 Strengthen
152 4 13 Required Assumption
152 4 14 Identify the Role
152 4 15 Match the Flaw
152 4 16 Flaw
152 4 17 Required Assumption
152 4 18 Inference
152 4 19 Basic Assumption Useful to know
152 4 20 Inference
152 4 21 Identify the Conclusion
152 4 22 Weaken
152 4 23 Explain This
152 4 24 Flaw
152 4 25 Strengthen
153 2 1 Inference
153 2 2 Explain This
153 2 3 Basic Assumption Answer to question
153 2 4 Required Assumption
153 2 5 Inference
153 2 6 Strengthen
153 2 7 Flaw
153 2 8 Supporting Principle
153 2 9 Identify the Disagreement
153 2 10 Inference
153 2 11 Inference
153 2 12 Identify the Disagreement
153 2 13 Weaken
153 2 14 Identify the Conclusion
153 2 15 Inference
153 2 16 Flaw
153 2 17 Identify the Role
153 2 18 Strengthen
153 2 19 Flaw EXCEPT
153 2 20 Identify the Role
153 2 21 Inference
153 2 22 Required Assumption
153 2 23 Match the Reasoning
153 2 24 Sufficient Assumption
153 2 25 Match the Flaw
153 2 26 Weaken
153 3 1 Identify the Disagreement Agreement
153 3 2 Supporting Principle
153 3 3 Sufficient Assumption
153 3 4 Explain This
153 3 5 Identify the Conclusion
153 3 6 Weaken
153 3 7 Flaw
153 3 8 Identify the Role
153 3 9 Identify the Conclusion
153 3 10 Strengthen
153 3 11 Match the Flaw
153 3 12 Strengthen
153 3 13 Strengthen EXCEPT
153 3 14 Strengthen
153 3 15 Required Assumption
153 3 16 Inference Must be False
153 3 17 Weaken
153 3 18 Sufficient Assumption
153 3 19 Flaw
153 3 20 Identify the Role
153 3 21 Strengthen
153 3 22 Identify the Disagreement
153 3 23 Conform to Principle
153 3 24 Inference
153 3 25 Give an Example
153 3 26 Flaw
154 1 1 Identify the Disagreement
154 1 2 Sufficient Assumption
154 1 3 Identify the Role
154 1 4 Identify the Disagreement
154 1 5 Flaw
154 1 6 Explain This
154 1 7 Identify the Disagreement
154 1 8 Inference
154 1 9 Flaw
154 1 10 Match the Reasoning
154 1 11 Sufficient Assumption
154 1 12 Flaw
154 1 13 Required Assumption
154 1 14 Weaken
154 1 15 Reasoning Structure
154 1 16 Weaken
154 1 17 Supporting Principle
154 1 18 Required Assumption
154 1 19 Flaw
154 1 20 Strengthen LEAST
154 1 21 Supporting Principle
154 1 22 Weaken
154 1 23 Inference
154 1 24 Explain This
154 1 25 Match the Flaw
154 1 26 Inference
154 2 1 Supporting Principle
154 2 2 Sufficient Assumption
154 2 3 Explain This
154 2 4 Supporting Principle
154 2 5 Weaken
154 2 6 Inference
154 2 7 Strengthen
154 2 8 Supporting Principle
154 2 9 Flaw
154 2 10 Match the Flaw
154 2 11 Inference
154 2 12 Flaw
154 2 13 Identify the Conclusion
154 2 14 Flaw
154 2 15 Required Assumption
154 2 16 Strengthen
154 2 17 Match the Reasoning
154 2 18 Identify the Role
154 2 19 Required Assumption
154 2 20 Identify the Conclusion
154 2 21 Required Assumption
154 2 22 Inference
154 2 23 Explain This
154 2 24 Weaken
154 2 25 Identify the Disagreement
154 4 1 Identify the Conclusion
154 4 2 Identify the Disagreement
154 4 3 Strengthen
154 4 4 Required Assumption
154 4 5 Explain This
154 4 6 Identify the Conclusion
154 4 7 Match the Flaw
154 4 8 Inference
154 4 9 Give an Example
154 4 10 Flaw
154 4 11 Supporting Principle
154 4 12 Inference
154 4 13 Identify the Role
154 4 14 Required Assumption
154 4 15 Flaw
154 4 16 Inference
154 4 17 Supporting Principle
154 4 18 Inference
154 4 19 Flaw
154 4 20 Sufficient Assumption
154 4 21 Flaw
154 4 22 Weaken
154 4 23 Required Assumption
154 4 24 Weaken
154 4 25 Inference
154 4 26 Sufficient Assumption
155 1 1 Weaken
155 1 2 Required Assumption
155 1 3 Explain This
155 1 4 Identify the Disagreement
155 1 5 Strengthen
155 1 6 Inference EXCEPT
155 1 7 Strengthen
155 1 8 Match the Flaw
155 1 9 Sufficient Assumption
155 1 10 Strengthen
155 1 11 Identify the Conclusion
155 1 12 Required Assumption
155 1 13 Flaw
155 1 14 Reasoning Structure Response
155 1 15 Inference
155 1 16 Supporting Principle
155 1 17 Flaw
155 1 18 Match the Reasoning
155 1 19 Weaken
155 1 20 Flaw
155 1 21 Give an Example
155 1 22 Required Assumption
155 1 23 Weaken EXCEPT
155 1 24 Required Assumption
155 1 25 Weaken
155 2 1 Strengthen
155 2 2 Identify the Disagreement
155 2 3 Strengthen
155 2 4 Required Assumption
155 2 5 Inference
155 2 6 Identify the Conclusion
155 2 7 Required Assumption
155 2 8 Flaw
155 2 9 Inference
155 2 10 Explain This
155 2 11 Flaw
155 2 12 Explain This
155 2 13 Flaw
155 2 14 Inference
155 2 15 Weaken
155 2 16 Identify the Role
155 2 17 Flaw
155 2 18 Inference
155 2 19 Match the Reasoning
155 2 20 Sufficient Assumption
155 2 21 Supporting Principle
155 2 22 Match the Flaw
155 2 23 Reasoning Structure Response
155 2 24 Weaken EXCEPT
155 2 25 Give an Example
155 2 26 Weaken
155 4 1 Explain This
155 4 2 Flaw
155 4 3 Inference
155 4 4 Reasoning Structure
155 4 5 Explain This
155 4 6 Identify the Conclusion
155 4 7 Sufficient Assumption
155 4 8 Weaken
155 4 9 Supporting Principle
155 4 10 Strengthen
155 4 11 Sufficient Assumption
155 4 12 Inference
155 4 13 Supporting Principle
155 4 14 Required Assumption
155 4 15 Flaw
155 4 16 Inference
155 4 17 Identify the Role
155 4 18 Weaken
155 4 19 Identify the Disagreement EXCEPT
155 4 20 Flaw
155 4 21 Inference
155 4 22 Match the Flaw
155 4 23 Strengthen
155 4 24 Give an Example
155 4 25 Match the Reasoning
156 2 1 Inference
156 2 2 Weaken
156 2 3 Explain This
156 2 4 Identify the Role
156 2 5 Flaw
156 2 6 Weaken
156 2 7 Reasoning Structure Response
156 2 8 Required Assumption
156 2 9 Flaw
156 2 10 Explain This
156 2 11 Flaw
156 2 12 Supporting Principle
156 2 13 Identify the Conclusion
156 2 14 Inference
156 2 15 Match the Flaw
156 2 16 Explain This EXCEPT
156 2 17 Inference
156 2 18 Sufficient Assumption
156 2 19 Weaken
156 2 20 Give an Example
156 2 21 Flaw
156 2 22 Weaken
156 2 23 Sufficient Assumption
156 2 24 Weaken EXCEPT
156 2 25 Sufficient Assumption
156 4 1 Weaken
156 4 2 Inference
156 4 3 Identify the Disagreement
156 4 4 Strengthen EXCEPT
156 4 5 Inference
156 4 6 Identify the Role
156 4 7 Inference
156 4 8 Strengthen EXCEPT
156 4 9 Identify the Role
156 4 10 Explain This EXCEPT
156 4 11 Required Assumption
156 4 12 Weaken
156 4 13 Sufficient Assumption
156 4 14 Flaw
156 4 15 Strengthen
156 4 16 Flaw
156 4 17 Match the Reasoning
156 4 18 Flaw
156 4 19 Sufficient Assumption
156 4 20 Required Assumption
156 4 21 Give an Example
156 4 22 Sufficient Assumption
156 4 23 Flaw
156 4 24 Match the Flaw
156 4 25 Flaw
156 4 26 Supporting Principle
157 2 1 Inference
157 2 2 Weaken
157 2 3 Inference
157 2 4 Weaken
157 2 5 Identify the Conclusion
157 2 6 Conform to Principle Illustrates
157 2 7 Inference
157 2 8 Match the Reasoning
157 2 9 Flaw
157 2 10 Weaken
157 2 11 Explain This
157 2 12 Flaw
157 2 13 Strengthen
157 2 14 Supporting Principle
157 2 15 Inference
157 2 16 Sufficient Assumption
157 2 17 Match the Flaw
157 2 18 Sufficient Assumption
157 2 19 Inference
157 2 20 Flaw
157 2 21 Supporting Principle
157 2 22 Sufficient Assumption
157 2 23 Supporting Principle
157 2 24 Required Assumption
157 2 25 Flaw
157 3 1 Strengthen
157 3 2 Identify the Conclusion
157 3 3 Identify the Disagreement
157 3 4 Strengthen
157 3 5 Conform to Principle
157 3 6 Weaken
157 3 7 Inference
157 3 8 Identify the Role
157 3 9 Flaw
157 3 10 Strengthen EXCEPT
157 3 11 Identify the Role
157 3 12 Flaw
157 3 13 Required Assumption
157 3 14 Flaw
157 3 15 Explain This Alternative Explanation
157 3 16 Conform to Principle Illustrates
157 3 17 Flaw
157 3 18 Explain This
157 3 19 Match the Flaw
157 3 20 Required Assumption
157 3 21 Inference
157 3 22 Identify the Role
157 3 23 Inference
157 3 24 Match the Reasoning
157 3 25 Weaken
158 2 1 Identify the Conclusion
158 2 2 Flaw
158 2 3 Required Assumption
158 2 4 Inference
158 2 5 Explain This
158 2 6 Inference
158 2 7 Weaken
158 2 8 Inference
158 2 9 Identify the Role
158 2 10 Flaw
158 2 11 Required Assumption
158 2 12 Supporting Principle
158 2 13 Identify the Conclusion
158 2 14 Flaw
158 2 15 Strengthen
158 2 16 Explain This
158 2 17 Required Assumption
158 2 18 Flaw
158 2 19 Required Assumption
158 2 20 Explain This EXCEPT
158 2 21 Weaken
158 2 22 Match the Flaw
158 2 23 Conform to Principle
158 2 24 Sufficient Assumption
158 2 25 Match the Reasoning
158 3 1 Flaw
158 3 2 strengthen
158 3 3 Identify the Conclusion
158 3 4 Flaw
158 3 5 Weaken
158 3 6 Explain This
158 3 7 Weaken
158 3 8 Flaw
158 3 9 Weaken
158 3 10 Identify the Conclusion
158 3 11 Strengthen
158 3 12 Identify the Role
158 3 13 Required Assumption
158 3 14 Match the Flaw
158 3 15 Required Assumption
158 3 16 Inference
158 3 17 Give an Example EXCEPT
158 3 18 Identify the Role
158 3 19 Sufficient Assumption
158 3 20 Inference
158 3 21 Required Assumption
158 3 22 Reasoning Structure
158 3 23 Inference
158 3 24 Weaken
158 3 25 Give an Example
158 4 1 Weaken
158 4 2 Flaw
158 4 3 Identify the Role
158 4 4 Flaw
158 4 5 Match the Reasoning
158 4 6 Flaw
158 4 7 Required Assumption
158 4 8 Identify the Conclusion
158 4 9 Identify the Disagreement
158 4 10 Identify the Conclusion
158 4 11 Inference
158 4 12 Explain This
158 4 13 Required Assumption
158 4 14 Strengthen
158 4 15 Basic Assumption
158 4 16 Weaken
158 4 17 Supporting Principle
158 4 18 Flaw
158 4 19 Explain This
158 4 20 Identify the Disagreement
158 4 21 Supporting Principle
158 4 22 Weaken
158 4 23 Flaw
158 4 24 Weaken
158 4 25 Sufficient Assumption
158 4 26 Match the Flaw